Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9 Review: Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most

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There are several different ways that I analyze TV.

The first is that it's so demanding of attention that I must watch the next episode the moment I get it. Then, after I watch, I either need to write about it immediately or take some time to reflect. And then there are those shows or episodes that leave me without much feeling one way or the other.

This has never been a show that demands urgency in viewing, but that's OK. However, Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9 left me relatively empty inside, and that's not OK.

The Principal's Office - Chesapeake Shores

I'll be the first person to admit that my expectations increase as a series nears its end. There is a lot of story to wrap up before we say goodbye to characters we walked alongside for years.

But in this case, for all of the teases that happy endings are nigh, it feels like we're spinning our wheels.

Learning from Mandrake - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

Evan, alone for a very long time, save for Mandrake, has found a new family. Despite all his growth in that regard, when his father appeared, he sucked himself back into his shell and disappeared entirely.

THIS is the man in whose arms we're supposed to hope Abby finds a lifetime of joy? Sorry, but his behavior now tarnishes any happy ending that may come.

No adult woman needs another age-defying child to rear, especially one with children. Evan is like an alien from another planet, just finding his way to human emotions.

But unlike Harry on Resident Alien, Evan hasn't bothered to watch TV to find appropriate emotional motivation, let alone learn from the O'Briens how to properly behave like an actual human.

Why Does He Stick Around - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

Yes, it was a surprise that Mandrake showed up with John in tow, but any other person at this stage in their life would have fumbled the ball, only to scoop it up again, giving their found father the benefit of the doubt.

How little does Evan trust Mandrake that he thought his steadfast companion would bring a man vetted to be a worthless human to Chesapeake Shores? If that's what Mandrake had discovered, he would have very tastefully shared that the man wasn't worth Evan's attention.

Mandrake owes his life to Evan, but Evan owes his to Mandrake, too. If Evan cannot trust Mandrake at this point, then he will never love Abby in the way she deserves to be loved.

Evan's treatment of Mandrake was awful. It was so ugly and dismissive, leading to outright dismissal. People do things in anger all the time, but this felt different.

New Hairdo - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

If Evan were a child, he would have been forced to face his fears and apologize. That's essentially what went down with Caitlyn and her frenemy. Kids do terrible things to each other, but they're quick to patch things up and return to life.

Evan walked away and didn't return. What can he possibly do in the finale to show he's ready to be a responsible partner in a relationship?

Abby has already been through enough self-centered men in her life. She doesn't need another, and Evan's behavior shows him to have little regard for those around him.

Looking back, even when they were doing their weird first dates, he was more concerned with how he'd be viewed in light of his choices instead of planning what he believed Abby would take the most pleasure from doing.

Got a Call - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

That story sucked the life out of the hour, leaving little room to enjoy the good from it.

That's not to say that Luke's survival came without its own woe-is-me moment. I'm sure Mr. Lucky was angry with himself for his heroic actions since they got him shot, but they were still heroic.

Bree: The police told us what you did.
Luke: Yep.
Bree: You could have been killed, Luke.
Luke: Well, it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
Bree: Yeah, it was brave, but...

Luke's adrenaline has gotten the better of him and getting dinged for visiting his parents' graves while on parole didn't help. Thankfully, his heroism bought him a little more time, but if he's interested in finishing his parole without further incident, he needs to start working the program.

All he had to do was tell his parole officer, and he might have been granted leave to visit the graves. He acts first and asks forgiveness later, which isn't the best look.

Mr. Lucky - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

But we've already seen how he rallies to do the right thing first before, and he'll likely continue doing that in the future.

It turns out that I have more faith in a character convicted of a felony treating Bree right in the future than I do a spoiled billionaire who's never known love to treat Abby the same way.

Who woulda thunk it?

Bree will not be as busy as she thought in the coming months, so she can slow down a little and work on her relationship with Luke. Time can heal all wounds when you have it to give.

But You Didn't Die - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

Bree's movie won't be hitting theaters anytime soon, but Hollywood actress Miranda inspired other members of the O'Brien family to take time to smell the ocean breeze, too.

My favorite moment of the hour, hands down, came from David and Jess escaping the world to a tiny island for a picnic. It's been so long since we've seen them in a romantic light, and it's been missed. Even better, they kind of lost their flair for it, which is so human.

David: We could act relaxed, see if that does anything.
Jess: OK. What do relaxed people do?

Who hasn't wondered that same thing? In this day in age, when we're always on and there's always more information to comb or people to ping, how do you relax?

It turned out that the world did move on without them, and a lot happened during their sojourn, but I don't for a moment believe that they'll never do it again. I wouldn't be surprised if it became routine.

Mick's Path to Recovery - Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9

Elsewhere, Mick's romantic proposal fell apart when another woman broke her tooth on Megan's hidden engagement ring, topped by the news their first grandson is on the way.

Yes, it is wrong for someone in AA to spark a relationship during the first year of their recovery, but since Mick's issues stemmed from being without Megan, he made the right choice.

Now, it all comes down to one final hour, and with so many issues still unresolved, like life, I think we'll leave the O'Briens without knowing what's to come. Are you OK with how we're moving into the final hour?

Let me hear from you. Maybe you disagree, and that's OK!!

You can watch Chesapeake Shores online if you need to catch up with the season. With only one episode remaining, time is of the essence!

Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Chesapeake Shores Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Evan: What were you thinking?
Mandrake: I did what I thought was best for you, sir.
Evan: You always think you know what's best for me, don't you? Well, this time, you were wrong, Allen.

Oh, I'm so sorry. Are we worried about the guy who abandoned my pregnant mother and left her to raise a child on her own?
