The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1 Review: The Rules of Professional Conduct

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The lawyer is back! He's sexier, more famous, and smarter, but trouble keeps following him for some reason.

We met a new Mickey on The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1 who was still basking in the glory after winning the Trevor Elliot case. His professional life has never been better, and he tried to make an effort for the people in his personal life, especially those he'd hurt the most.

As the episode began, the camera panned into the infamous garage, and we met Mickey in a position we were yet to see him in. He was getting his butt kicked, and even if he tried to land some punches, the assailants were stronger because they outnumbered him.

L - Mickey and Hayley - The Lincoln Lawyer

That was a great way to start the season because it threw us into the deepest part of the future but held back, saving the conclusion for later. Instead, they took us back a few days after the Trevor Elliot case.

I know what you're thinking. "The parking garage? Again?"


So many shows feel disconnected between seasons because the writers fast-forward the story way too far. It feels like we are being introduced to new people again, despite having spent time getting to know them over the past season.

Mickey Haller - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

Even after the stunts Mickey had pulled towards the end of The Lincoln Lawyer Season 1 finale, he had found a soft landing because at least Maggie was speaking to him.

They went to dinner, but the time did not pass without voices being raised and Maggie storming out.

Hailey will always join Mickey and Maggie, but it felt like Maggie had let him get off with a lot. Her career, which she had taken years to build, had taken a huge hit, affecting the cases she was being given or, more correctly, denied.

She must be feeling some way about it, and despite her best efforts to push those feelings down, things would not end well.

Maggie McPherson - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

There was little focus on Maggie's life, especially in a professional capacity.

I had two wishes for The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2; the first was that Maggie would be better integrated into the story.

In The Lincoln Lawyer Season 1, every time the show would shift to focus on Maggie, it would feel like a disconnect. Most of what was happening in her life didn't feel necessary to Mickey's story, and thus it didn't feel as crucial as other stories.

It only came to pay off in the final episode of season 1, but that was too much time that felt like it had been wasted.

Maggie - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

I hope she feels more integral to the story than she felt before.

The second was that we'd see more of Izzy's personal life. All we got in the first season were accounts and recounts of the past. It almost entirely had to do with Mickey. She was like an extension of Mickey's problems.

She shouldn't be portrayed as Mickey's therapist if they were interested in giving the character depth.

Fame brings a lot into people's lives. The good and the bad all together. And it did that for Mickey.

Mickey and Lisa - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

She met a chef, and they were destined for something more from their first meeting. Things between Mickey and Lisa might have started on a purely physical note, which is not bad, but when the next moments they spent together were precious, especially in the morning.

Lisa: Trust me. Running a restaurant is a 24/7 job. This is nice though.
Mickey: Really nice.
Lisa: Really nice.

Mickey opened up to Lisa effortlessly, and she to him.

Lana Parrilla played Lisa so well. She was charming, a go-getter, and had a great smile, which initially raised some suspicions. I did not stash those away, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because there was a fair chance that's how she is.

And she made Mickey smile so big Izzy noticed it, so she can't be all that bad. Even Lorna noticed Mickey's changed behavior when she was around.

Lisa - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

It seemed Mickey could not escape his past fast enough because even when he thought the Jésus Menendez case was a done deal, the DA thought otherwise.

Everything in Jesus' case, Mickey had taken personally. He had dedicated time to ensuring justice was served for Jésus when he returned to being a practicing attorney. And even after all that, it was far from over.

The bad side of fame is that it distracts you from what's important, and it was possibly why Mickey avoided the glaring light of flashing cameras as if his life depended on it.

Mickey: You, of all people, should understand. Nobody changes unless they need to. I just want you to be careful, that's all.
Izzy: Well, that goes both ways, boss.
Mickey: Meaning what?
Izzy: In the last week, how many interviews have I driven you to?
Mickey: I've got some publicity from Trevor's case.
Izzy: Mm.
Mickey: You gotta strike while the iron's hot.
Izzy: Maybe. But in my experience, fame is like crack. Not that I've ever tried crack.
Mickey: I'm fine. I'm not gonna let a little press go to my head.

And maybe he was right in that assessment.

Mickey - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

If he hadn't been distracted by the numerous cases his office got, he would have been suspicious of Russell from the get-go.

Russell's crime didn't fit what Mickey usually deals with.

It was a pretty tame case, and the fact that the client paid to be represented without even meeting Mickey should have been a red flag.

Mickey would have noticed that even if Russell was understandably anxious while in jail, it was as if he was performing.

Mickey managed to get him off.

I love a good villain, and Russell seemed like the complete package.

Mickey: Russell?What the fuck are you doing here?
Russell: I didn't wanna break another window, so I hopped the fence. I gotta say, today was amazing. I mean, I know you're good, but that was… [kisses] …something else.
Mickey: I don't know what you want, exactly, but--
Russell: Okay. You should probably hear me out. After all, you are my attorney. Paid an extra retainer to make sure of that, so I think that I probably want what any client wants, Mickey. I want your expert legal help. Being a lawyer, it comes with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, doesn't it? Like, the duty of confidentiality. That's the big one, right? The one where anything I say becomes our little secret, and you can't tell anybody, especially not the police. So, Martha Renteria had it coming. That bitch got exactly what she deserved. And then someone else went down for it, and he's about to go down for it again. But the best part is, now,bthere's nothing you can do about it.

We knew there were no boundaries he wouldn't cross because he had killed Martha, but his sharp mind made him even more dangerous. Villains with the chops to pull off mental games are usually more entertaining than others.

He knew what needed to be done.

The upside of his breaking into Mickey's was that Mickey was now sure that Jesus was innocent.

Lorna - The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1

Lorna was planning the wedding elsewhere, but Cisco didn't seem to be into it. It seemed like he'd slipped back into his old life.

Lorna was also working towards getting her law degree, which meant dealing with someone she clearly didn't have the best history with.

"The Rules of Professional Conduct" felt like a fine mix of the present and the past as new storylines were introduced while some old ones kept coming back up.

Two new characters were introduced. Lana Parrilla's portrayal of Lisa was so good it was easy to fall in love with her.

David Clayton Roger's portrayal of Russell was also great. The shift from the poor finance guy to a murderer was so throwing I was impressed.

"The Rules of Professional Conduct's" ending was exhilarating as it put Mickey in a position any lawyer would not want to be in, and it's even worse in Mickey's case.

The Jesus Menendez case is personal to him, and if he were to stop representing Jesus and Jesus went to prison, Mickey might never forgive himself.

It opened up a new can of problems with conflict of interest. Mickey could only represent one client, and Russell was the only one paying.

The development put Mickey's life in the direct line of fire in many ways. He could lose his family, career, and even life.

The episode did a great job setting up the conflicts for the rest of the season. What did you think? Let us know in the comments section.

The Rules of Professional Conduct Review

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Rating: 3.4 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Denis Kimathi was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on X.

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The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

I know what you're thinking. "The parking garage? Again?"


Mickey: Russell?What the fuck are you doing here?
Russell: I didn't wanna break another window, so I hopped the fence. I gotta say, today was amazing. I mean, I know you're good, but that was… [kisses] …something else.
Mickey: I don't know what you want, exactly, but--
Russell: Okay. You should probably hear me out. After all, you are my attorney. Paid an extra retainer to make sure of that, so I think that I probably want what any client wants, Mickey. I want your expert legal help. Being a lawyer, it comes with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, doesn't it? Like, the duty of confidentiality. That's the big one, right? The one where anything I say becomes our little secret, and you can't tell anybody, especially not the police. So, Martha Renteria had it coming. That bitch got exactly what she deserved. And then someone else went down for it, and he's about to go down for it again. But the best part is, now,bthere's nothing you can do about it.