Steve Marsi

Steve Marsi

Senior Managing Editor of TV Fanatic and resident expert on programs such as NCIS, Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Parks and Recreation, Gossip Girl and The Bachelorette.

NCIS Promo: Tracking the Terrorist

NCIS Promo: Tracking the Terrorist

Next week on NCIS, Gibbs continues to work with Captain Wescott while he retraces his steps in order to help the team track down a terrorist.
Posted in: NCIS
Gossip Girl Review: Partners in Crime

Gossip Girl Review: Partners in Crime

On this week's Gossip Girl, Blair became even more determined to make her company a success, but as always, a revelation from the Cotillion sent shock waves through the entire Upper East Side.
Posted in: Reviews
Revenge Review: Rough Day?

Revenge Review: Rough Day?

Tonight's Revenge featured plenty of the usual twists, turns and shockers, while a certain duo's relationship reached a new level. Read on for our review of "Penance"!
Posted in: Revenge
Bones Sneak Peeks: Coach Brennan!

Bones Sneak Peeks: Coach Brennan!

In a new sneak peek from Monday's Bones, Brennan assembles the squints and goes all Phil Jackson on them. Watch that and four more scenes from "The Patriot in Purgatory" now!
Posted in: Bones