It was a little odd when Peter interrupted the middle of Family Guy Season 16 Episode 13 to tell the audience that Family Guy would return to normal next week.
I have to wonder if that was initially part of the episode or if it was added in because while "V is for Mystery" wasn't nearly as bad as Family Guy Season 16 Episode 12, it still left a lot to be desired.
Was the show trying to assuage its audience?
Maybe Family Guy is just trying out different things to test audience reaction. Perhaps the powers that be think we're all bored with the same old dysfunctional episodes week after week.
Maybe it's the powers that be who are getting bored.
Maybe what the powers that be need to do is cut the cord instead of trying to reinvent the wheel that none of us are interested in watching be reinvented.
It reminds me of Scooby Doo and its different incarnations to appeal to new audiences. It just didn't work. There's nothing like the classic.
The only incarnation that even came close was Be Cool Scooby Doo, and that series was like an homage to the classic because their monsters were very similar to the monsters from the originals.
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Stewie and Brian playing Sherlock Holmes and John Watson was interesting. I can't say fun because I'm not that into British mysteries. Many of them are way too dry for my taste.
But Stewie as Sherlock Holmes fits his personality. At least his detailed description of how he solved his mysteries made sense (and consistent with the classic Holmes), unlike the garbage he spewed to the school psychologist on "Send in Stewie, Please."
There were plenty of classic jokes to fit into this "classic" episode.
I especially enjoyed the reference to the Tom Hanks classic movie, "Big" when Stewie and Brian played "Heart and Soul" via the bagpipes stuck in the gut of the dead hooker.
And I loved, loved, loved, the whole Love Boat reference. I even snickered at the chimney cleaners bit.
What wasn't funny was Cosby as the court jester. Why even give that guy any attention — even in the form of a slam on a show like Family Guy?
Why bother going down that road?
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Even back in the old days, Stewie was as resourceful as ever. He made a crazy hooker robot that unfortunately was "killed" by Lois, but how come no one noticed that his genius extended beyond solving murders?
I don't know about anyone else, but it was easy to figure out that Lois was the culprit, but who guessed that Peter was, indeed, the Scottish Brute?
Holmes was right when he put Peter away, but Peter was clever to get Lois to do his dirty work so that he would get released from prison. That's a big surprise because Peter is far from being bright, but in a British mystery, even the crazy murderers have brains.
While the story was slow-moving and dry, the opening credit artwork was really fun. My favorite was Stewie holding the magnifying glass and the beam from the sun burning Brian's bottom. I also liked Brian chasing after the bubbles.
I always laugh at Brian because he tries so hard to be a sophisticated "human" but can't escape the fact that underneath it all, he is still a dog. Even when Stewie was operating his robot hooker, instead of being there to witness Constance trying to kill the robot, he was in the alley chasing rats, because, well, that's what dogs do.
Related: Family Guy Season 16 Episode 11 Review: Dog Bites Bear
We didn't quite get an answer as to why hookers with names starting with "V" were getting killed unless I missed it which is always a possibility because sometimes Family Guy packs so much in it's easy for some stuff to get overlooked.
And to be honest, I don't care what the reason was. "V is for Mystery" may not have been the best episode of Family Guy, but if you look past the dryness of the story, there were many enjoyable parts.
And even if you hated it, you still have to admit that much of the animation was quite beautiful. I wouldn't mind hanging some of those pieces in my TV room.
Over to you guys.
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What did you think of "V is for Mystery"? Did you appreciate the AIDS and Cosby jokes? Did you figure out who the killer was? Did you even care?
Hit the comments and share your thoughts!
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