Ready? - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Barry prepares himself mentally to go into the containment cell. Darn if we aren't going to get any of the really good photos. The odds are all of these take place within about 5 minutes of the episode, so the guess in on for the good stuff.

Entering the Accelerator - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Barry is going into the particle accelerator, which is probably where the man they knew as Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash is being contained. We have to assume he can be contained!

Still at It - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Yes, these have to be welcome back moments, because can you think of another time Eddie would be looking on at a moment like this between Barry and Iris with such warmth? Surely it's fleeting.

Cisco's Turn - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Cisco takes a turn rubbing the magic genie. Hey, if you think about it, having a friend like Barry is about as magical as it's going to get. Taking the time to remember how important your friends are is always a good idea.

Warm Hug - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

We're guessing at the timeline here, but it looks like these photos are right after the fight with Reverse Flash and Barry is being welcomed home, safe and sound.

Casual Friday - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

It's nice seeing Joe out of uniform, but also a little jarring. It's so out of character that you know something extraordinary is about to take place. He's just never at STAR Labs looking like this.

Father Son Chat - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Joe and Barry have what will likely be another amazing father son chat about what's next for Barry after kicking the Reverse Flash's ass. What CAN be next? That's the entirety of The Flash finale, I'm sure.

Barry Allen on The Flash Finale

It has all come down to this for Barry Allen. This is a photo from "Fast Enough," the Season 1 finale of The Flash.

It's a Sign - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

The Flash hides under a sign of some laboratories.

Old Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Will Barry calls him Al Sah-Him or Oliver? Inquiring minds...

Triple Threat - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Al Sah-Him, The Flash and Firestorm prepare for Reverse Flash.

Flash Time - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

The Flash is getting ready to face his arch nemesis.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
