West Allen Investigating - The Flash Season 5 Episode 5

Iris shares the information she's discovered with Barry

West Allen Family Shocked - The Flash Season 5 Episode 5

The West Allen family shares shocked expressions over what just transpired

Barry Turns to Cecile - The Flash Season 5 Episode 5

Barry and Cecile discuss what to do about Nora disobeying

Distracting Iris - The Flash

Barry tries to distract Iris on The Flash. "All Doll'd Up" is the fifth episode of the show's fifth season.

XS and The Flash Hunt The Wrong Guy- The Flash Season 5 Episode 3

XS and The Flash realize they've got the wrong man. Cicada is still out there.

West Allen Being Cute- The Flash Season 5 Episode 3

Theres nothing that can break these two apart, not even a crazy serial killer

The Flash Tries To Save Barry- Season 5 Episode 3

The Flash speeds off to the woods to find Vibe before Cicada can hunt him down

Barry And Nora Get Close - The Flash Season 5 Episode 3

Barry and Nora work together and continue to bond as father and daughter

A Dangerous Foe - The Flash

The team must take on a dangerous foe on The Flash. "The Death of Vibe" is the third episode of the show's fifth season.

Team Flash Gets A Surprise Season 5 Episode 2

The Flash Season 5 Episode 2 Blocked: Team Flash at Star Labs, receiving surprise information

The Flash and XS Save The Day

The Flash Season 5 Episode 2 Blocked: The Flash and XS fighting evil together

The West-Allen Family Season 5 Episode 2

The Flash Season 5 Episode 2 Blocked: The West Allen's have a family meeting at Star Labs

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
