Planning a Heist - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

It's probably not easy for Detective West to step back and let a known criminal take charge of the situation. But we know he'd do anything to save Iris.

Really, Barry? - The Flash Season 3 Episode 22

Iris doesn't appear to be thrilled with Barry turning to Captain Cold for help. As much as we love Leonard Snart, we can't blame her for not trusting him.

Tense Teamwork - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

What's making Julian and the others so tense? Is it what they're seeing on the monitors? Or is it the fact that Killer Frost is casually lurking in the background?

Team Flash Represent! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Team Flash gathers at STAR labs to hear what Tracy has to say. With Iris' life on the line, and future Barry behind Savitar, time is of the essence.

Father Daughter Moments - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Joe's not going to let anything happen to his daughter. But how does he stop a version of his son from killing her? That's a pretty complicated family dynamic.

Lost in Thought - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Poor Iris. For months, she's been grappling with the fact that her number might be up in May. Now she knows the person out to get her is Barry. We can't blame her for looking a little sad.

WestAllen's Awkward Chat - The Flash Season 3 Episode 21

Now that Barry knows he's the one trying to kill Iris, there might be some extra tension in their relationship. Of course we still don't know why Future Barry's hellbent on murdering his true love.

Barry Proposes! - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

We were already swooning at the serenade, but as soon as Barry pulled out the ring, we were crying, too. But in the best way. Because what's better than a musical proposal? A musical proposal where Iris says "yes" without hesitating. We're still hitting rewind on this one.

"Runnin' Home to You" - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

How does one cap off being trapped in a musical? If you're Barry Allen, you go home to your girlfriend, and serenade her. Judging by the look on Iris' face as he began to sing, all was about to be forgiven. We're swooning right alongside Ms. West.

Music Meister Explains Himself - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

The villain of the story...wasn't a villain at all. Music Meister wanted to teach Barry and Kara a lesson about love. That's why Iris and Mon-El were able to save them. A bit of a risky move, but a nice twist on the musical ending.

Love Wins - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Barry and Kara are slipping away after being shot in the gangsters' war. Iris professes her love as Mon-El apologizes to Kara once more. They each seal their promises with a kiss. The spell is broken, and everyone wakes up in the lab.

Cisco Vibes Iris and Mon-El to the Rescue - The Flash Season 3 Episode 17

Caitlin doesn't know why Barry and Kara's vitals are dropping. Thanks to a tip from the Music Meister, Iris and Mon-El convince Cisco to vibe them into Barry and Kara's heads.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
