Taking On Bronze Tiger

Oliver takes on the Bronze Tiger on Arrow. "Identity" is the second episode of the show's second season.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver and Thea Look On

All Oliver and Thea can do is look on at Moira's trial on Arrow. "State v. Queen" is the seventh episode of the show's second season.
Rating: Unrated

How Will Oliver React?

How will Oliver react when Laurel takes over the case against Moira on Arrow? "State v. Queen" is the seventh episode of the show's second season.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver and Laurel Together

Before Oliver disappeared for five years, Laurel believed that she was in a loving relationship with a faithful Oliver. Oops.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver Slept with Isabel

While in Russia, Oliver slept with Isabel. Neither of them wanted anything complicated. It was just a night of fun.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver Cheats on Laurel with Sara

Oliver invited Sara to take the trip with him on the Queen's Gambit. He was a player and she was in love with him.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver Dates Detective McKenna

Oliver has a sweet relationship with Detective McKenna. If she didn't have to leave town, they could have given it a real chance.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver in an Office

There is little context for this photo from "Suicide Squad" but considering the blue tint, let's assume Oliver's in Waller's office.
Rating: Unrated

Oliver meets Alexei Leonov

Alexei has proven to be a great ally to Oliver and he's back in "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Oliver Aims a Gun

Oliver's aiming a gun as himself and not as Arrow - wonder what's going on in "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Oliver Takes Down a Baddie

It's rare to see Oliver fighting off baddies without the hood. Where is Arrow and why is Oliver out as himself in "Suicide Squad"?
Rating: Unrated

Sara Tries to Keep Up

It looks as if Oliver is trying to dodge Sara as she struggles to keep up with his stride in "Suicide Squad."
Rating: Unrated

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
