Old Tricks - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Team Arrow is up to old tricks as they pull out all the tops to try to stop Ra's from enacting his devastating plan upon Starling City by releasing a bioweapon that would kill everyone.
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Blue - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

It surely cannot be a coincidence that this pair of forlorn lovers is framed by the electric blue of fluorescent lighting as they must be about as blue as they can be given their strange and unfortunate circumstances.
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Newlyweds - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

This is a surprisingly gentle moment between Oliver and Nyssa. With a simple touch of their hands, it seems they have reached some sort of communication wherein they may be working together toward a common goal, at the very least.
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Happy - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Felicity looks incredibly happy at the conversation she's having with the man she loves. This is surprising given the close proximity of Oliver and his new wife. Perhaps they have spoken about what his marriage really means to him and how much he loves the woman he left behind.
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Oliver and His Ladies - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Another show with a smiling Oliver and an over-the-top happy Felicity with Nyssa nearby sure seems to indicate the two loves who have been torn apart have had a chat solidifying their future. What are the odds, do you think?
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The Circle of Trust - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Here it is! The epicenter of the circle of trust. Somehow it doesn't look all that comfortable in there. If that's what it feels like on the inside, most of us would probably rather be on the outside looking in anyway!
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Siblings - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Oliver and Thea touch base before all of the schnizzle goes down in the city center. Does he have any idea she's going to suit up as Speedy? At this point, does she even have any idea? Can't wait to see it go down.
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Hugs - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Flashback scene with Oliver hugging Tatsu. There's not too much to say about this because there's no idea what we can possibly expect other than some sort of a goodbye, perhaps?
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Katana and Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Little did Tatsu and Oliver know when they must have been saying some sort of fare thee well in the past that they would be super heroes. Now, of only they could find happiness.
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Enemy Afoot! - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Someone has happened upon Oliver in the dark and they're trying to take him out! Waddya wanna bet it's Ra's? In this installment, Oliver is going to wonder if he's strong enough to take on the position as head of the League and what it will do to Team Arrow. He's strong enough. Not sure about the team, though.
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New Man Needed - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Ra's, the hooded street thug who is currently leading the League of Assassins, needs a new right hand man at his side since Katana (Tatsu) killed Maseo. While Oliver looks like Mini-Me at the moment, we have to vote he overthrows Ra's and tosses him aside.
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On His Knees - Arrow Season 3 Episode 23

Oliver falls to his knees in front of Ra's al Ghul. What does that mean? Is he giving up to the man or is this another play to take his attention off of yet a different plan he has in action?
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Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
