This is a still of The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15, airing on AMC.

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The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15: "Trust"
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The Walking Dead Season 11 Episode 15 Quotes

Lance: Hey. Hershel, right? I'm Lance. Don't know if you remember me. I've heard you've had a pretty exciting life, young man. Taken any exciting trips lately? How about your mom? The last thing I want, Hershel, is for something to happen here, especially to your mom. So I'm gonna need your help. If I can get the truth, I can fix things. That's what I do. But I can't keep people safe if they keep secrets. So I want you to think really hard here. Is there anything you want to tell me?
Hershel: I should probably go get my mom.
Lance: Hey, hold on a second. You're a good kid... brave. And the thing about good kids is... they deserve presents. It's funny. I found this hat all the way back where the bad things happened. Be a shame for a-a nice hat like this to go to waste. [Lance puts the hat on Hershel's head] Huh! I'll be damned. Perfect fit. What are the odds?

Lance: Wait! Hold your fire! We're here to talk. We've come a long way to find you. You were not easy to track down. But since you've caused me more than a handful of trouble, the least you can do is hear what I have to say before you kill us.
Leah: Talk fast.
Lance: My name is Lance Hornsby. And I'm here to offer you a job.