A New Supreme

A new power comes into play when a new supreme arises on the season finale of American Horror Story: Coven.

The Axeman

The Axeman played a key role throughout American Horror Story: Coven. But then he met his demise.

The Coven's Future

The future of the coven is called into question after Cordelia's latest vision on American Horror Story: Coven. "Go to Hell" is the 12th episode of the show's third season.

Kyle and Zoe

Kyle and Zoe are featured in this American Horror Story scene. They make a sweet couple. Sort of.

Kathy Bates on AHS

Kathy Bates has made quite the impression on American Horror Story: Coven. We're huge fans.

Fiona Prepares

Fiona prepares to confront the Corporation on American Horror Story: Coven. "Protect the Coven" is the 11th episode of the show's third season.

Fiona on AHS

Fiona is in charge on American Horror Story. But for how long will she remain Supreme?

Stevie Nicks Guest Stars

Stevie Nicks guest stars on American Horror Story: Coven. "The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks" is the tenth episode of the show's third season.

Fixing the Dead

She's sort of fixed him! This is a photo from the American Horror Story episode "Head."

Nan Learns Some News

Nan learns some disturbing news about Luke's past on American Horror Story: Coven. "Head" is the the ninth episode of the show's third season.

Madison & Zoe

Madison and Zoe look on as things between the witches come to a head. "The Sacred Taking" is the eighth episode of the show's third season.

Spaulding in Bed

So long, Spaulding. This character's life came to an end on the American Horror Story episode "The Dead."

American Horror Story Quotes

Billie: Her husband murdered her with an ice pick.
Constance: It's hard to keep good help.

I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
