A Dangerous Affair

Fiona becomes involved in a dangerous affair with the Axeman on American Horror Story: Coven. "The Dead" is the seventh episode of the show's third season.

American Horror Story Seance

It's time for a seance on American Horror Story. This is a photo from "The Axeman Cometh."

Queenie Contacts a Spirit

Queenie works with Nan and Zoe to try and talk to a trapped spirit on American Horror Story: Coven. "The Axeman Cometh" is the sixth episode of the show's third season.

Young Witches

The young members of the coven take action on this scene from American Horror Season 3 Episode 5.

A New Power

Zoe unleashes a whole new power on American Horror Story: Coven. "Burn, Witch. Burn!" is the fifth episode of the show's third season.

The End of a Truce

The truce between Marie Laveau and the Salem witches may come to an end on American Horror Story: Coven.

Fiona's Protege

Fiona takes on a surprising new protege on American Horror Story: Coven. "Replacements" is the third episode of the show's third season.

Dealing With Tragedy

Fiona helps the ladies deal with a tragedy on American Horror Story: Coven. "Boy Parts" is the second episode of the show's third season.

The American Horror Story Coven

Say hello to the coven. Pictured here: Jessica Lange as Fiona, Emma Roberts as Madison, Jamie Brewer as Nan, Taissa Farmiga as Zoe and Gabourey Sidibe as Queenie.

American Horror Story: Coven Art Work

FX has released a new poster for American Horror Story: Coven. It's... interesting, to say the least.

American Horror Story: Coven Promotional Art

American Horror Story: Coven premieres on October 9. This is yet another creepy poster for it.

Crazy American Horror Story: Coven Poster

This is a poster for American Horror Story: Coven. Make of it of what you will.

American Horror Story Quotes

Billie: Her husband murdered her with an ice pick.
Constance: It's hard to keep good help.

I questioned my sanity when I first found out. But this house, this house will make you a believer.
