Arrow: Roy Harper

Colton Haynes is supposedly returning in Arrow Season 6 as Roy Harper a.k.a. Arsenal.
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Arrow Season 7

Even though Arrow Season 6 hasn't premiered yet, producers are already planning out the seventh season.
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Crisis On Earth-X Art - Arrow

Crisis On Earth-X is the 2017 crossover of Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl.
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Can Oliver Handle Fatherhood - Arrow

While it remains to be seen if William's mother survived the explosion or not, Oliver is going to have to step up as a parent for his son. The question is, can the Emerald Archer handle being both a father, vigilante and the mayor of Star City?
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Where Did She Go - Arrow

Hopefully, this conversation between Oliver and Raisa will reveal what she has been up to for the last five years. Or it's a conversation about William. Probably.
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Black Siren Vs Black Canary - Arrow

So we guess this pretty much confirms that Dinah Laurel Lance and Dinah Drake - so many Dinahs! - made it off the island. Make sure to be ready for round 2 of Black Siren vs Black Canary!
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Siren's Army - Arrow

Black Siren sure managed to form herself an army pretty fast after the events on Lian Yu, didn't she? Either way, it looks like the bunker may about to get wrecked once again.
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Lack Of Security - Arrow

It's pretty much a given at this point that no team headquarters have any security whatsoever in the Arrowverse. Seriously, anyone can just walk into these "secret" hideouts!
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Raisa The Maid Returns - Arrow

Remember in the Arrow pilot back in 2012 where we meet Oliver's maid Raisa? After that episode, she was never seen again, until this season as she will be back for several episodes!
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Bringing The Green - Arrow

So besides Black Siren and Black Canary, who else survived the explosion? Hopefully, in this shot, Oliver is discovering another survivng character that made it off Lian Yu.
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A Victory For John Diggle - Arrow

John Diggle has always been one of my favorite characters in the whole Arrowverse. But in the last two season of Arrow, I feel that Diggle has just gone through one hell after another. <P><P> While I’m sure Diggle is going to be dealing with the aftermath of the finale; I want Arrow Season 6 to be a good year for Diggle. Whatever inner demons he is dealing with or darkness around him, I want to see overcome it. <P><P> Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware that most people on Arrow go through hell constantly. But someone like Diggle has just been stuck in a loop of pain for the last two seasons. That has to end.
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Doppelgangers - Arrow

Arrow doesn’t get to deal with the sci-fi elements as often as the other Arrowverse shows. While we will meet a Nazi version of the Green Arrow in the mega crossover, I want more than that. <P><P> I would love in some capacity to see doppelgangers of the Arrow characters this season. Since we’re not getting a Supergirl/The Flash crossover, maybe a Flash/Arrow mini-crossover instead? <P><P> Because it’s really through The Flash that Arrow can play with the Multiverse element. They had a success with bringing in a Laurel Lance from a different Earth. So I’d be down for bringing in another dead character from the Multiverse. <P<P> Anyone else down for a Tommy Merlyn of Earth-3 maybe? I’m just putting it out there.
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Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
