Why is Nyssa al Ghul Here?

Nyssa al Ghul comes to town to convince Canary to come back to the League of Assassins? Will she be sussessful?
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Ready to Strike

Look out, Oliver! This is a photo from the Arrow episode "Heir to the Demon."
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Oliver and Felicity - Arrow

We've heard all the evidence, we've seen the tension that could be sliced with an arrow and yet STILL Ollie gets close to everyone but Felicity. Girls will come and go, and Felicity will always be by his side, but she won't wait forever. Stop hiding Oliver!
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Happy Quentin Lance

Papa Lance is looking very happy to have his family together on "Time of Death."
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Dinah Lance is Happy

Dinah Lance is happy to have her whole family back together again. From the episode "Time of Death"
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Laurel Listens to Sara

Laurel is listening intently, and looking slightly angry, as Sara talks at a family dinner on "Time of Death."
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Oliver at the Lance Family Dinner

Should Oliver have gone to the Lance family dinner? We'll find out on "Time of Death."
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Lance Family Dinner

How worried was everyone about Laurel's drinking if they served wine at dinner? Poor move! From the Arrow episode "Time of Death."
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Pill Popping Laurel

Laurel contemplates taking some more pills. Are they even hers? From the episode "Time of Death."
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Laurel Chills

Laurel chills in front of the TV, fully in charge of the remote. Do you think she's watching Arrow?
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Quentin and Dinah Lance

Are the Lance's on their way back into each others' arms? They're probably remembering things as they were. "Time of Death"
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Tommy Merlyn Arrow Photo

Colin Donnell plays Tommy Merlyn in "Arrow" on The CW.
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Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
