Faces in the Crowd - Arrow Season 4 Episode 7

Alex and Thea listen to Oliver's campaign speech, as well. Is this before or after she has tried to satisfy her bloodlust in front of the poor guy?
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Unexpected Guest - Arrow Season 4 Episode 7

Well lookie there! Damien Darhk is going to support Oliver Queen for Mayor! Isn't that nice. Hopefully he gives a sizeable donation to Oliver's campaign.
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Good vs Evil - Arrow Season 4 Episode 7

How many pictues have we had of Oliver in this position, good facing evil? He's been there against Slade, Malcolm, Ra's al Ghul...yet he always comes out the victor. Damien Darhk should just pack up and leave now.
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Meeting with Vandal - Arrow

It's tough when we already know this meeting is going to crash and burn...but the synopsis tells us that, too! Malcolm, who apparently knows Vandal Savage, arranges a meeting with him and it goes poorly.
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Hawk Helmet - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

That looks like Carter Hall's helmet for Hawkman , doesn't it? Did he have it hidden outside? It's very similar to Jay Garrick's in style. It's going to be fun to see how this all plays out!
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Carter Hall - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

Say hello to Carter Hall. Hopefully we'll get some good backstory on the man and get to know him a bit. How does he know Kendra. How close are they?
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Cisco's on Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

Cisco is one of the Flash Team that will be hanging around on Arrow. He'll be at the secret location with Hawkgirl and Hawkman. I think others will be on the show, but they're not in this slideshow!
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Making Plans - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

At the remote location, plans must be made before everyone meets with Vandal Savage. Hopefully, they're meeting with Vandal toward the city and nowhere near the remote location because, duh.
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Almost - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

Remember when everyone kinda sorta hoped Barry and Felicity would trip the light fantastic? Well, Barry is dating someone with ash blonde hair. Just sayin'.
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Like a Sleepover - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

Barry Allen is having such a good time in this photo, it's starting to seem like the remote location where they're hiding Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall is kind of like sleepaway camp. Who's with me?!
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Getting Serious - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

Oliver is making sure the group gets down to business as Barry looks on in this photo.
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Queens - Arrow Season 4 Episode 8

Oliver and Thea both have an appropriate amount of concern on their faces. I think. The thing is, we don't know exactly what they're concerned about. So...I'm spitballing. Again.
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Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
