Diggle Takes a Turn

Diggle takes a turn on Deathstroke. All the kings horses and all the king's men (remember, Roy called Ollie King Queen...)

Slade Suited Up

Slade's outfit hides too much hottness, if you ask me. Oh you didn't ask? Carry on.

Deathstroke Sparkels

Are the sparkles a result of something hitting Deathstroke's suit? Preeetty!

Through the Breaking Glass

That's gotta hurt. All of that glass in the Arrow lair is going to get someone injured someday!

Here Comes Sara!

Sara is on the attack, flying in from high in "The Man Under the Hood."

Sara in Deathstroke's Grasp

Tiny Sara isn't much of a match for Deathstroke, either. Team Arrow could be in trouble!

The Man Under The Hood Takes on Deathstroke

Will Oliver be the member of Team Arrow heading to the hospital? We'll find out how good he can fight in "The Man Under the Hood."

Oliver vs Deathstroke

How can Oliver fight Deathstroke? He's highly unmatched without the Mirakuru running through his system.

Team Arrow

Team Arrow comes together for a meeting. Are they trying to decide how to keep Slade from infiltrating the lair again?

Girl Time

It looks like Sara and Felicity are great support for each other. Who imagined that would happen? From the looks of it, Sara was in the hospital. Wrist brace!

Surrounded by The Army

Oliver is surrounded by what will become Slade's Mirakuru army. Or will they? What will Oliver do about them? Find out in "The Man Under the Hood."

The Man In the Hood

Oliver Queen is the man under the hood. It's a secret that Laurel Lance now knows.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
