In the Lair - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Felicity is in the lair, waiting for things to get started with the restoration. Odd that the title was already taken for another episode and Constantine is using the word for his business now.

Alright Class - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Doesn't it looks like he's ready to teach a class? It's too bad he can't stick around for a while and held the team out with Damien Darhk. Wonder if he'll have any advice to impart while he's there.

Nice to Meet You - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Did you ever imagine Felicity Smoak and John Constantine floating in the same worlds? She's all pink and fluffy and he's all khaki and grizzled. Yet here they are, face to face, trying to accomplish the same goal.

Walking Away - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Alright. This photo seems totally out of order. Unless Thea was dreaming what just happened or she was put back into bed while Sara stood by and waited, something seems a little bit off!

She Doesn't Care - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Sara doesn't care what she does or who sees her. She's doing what she wishes. That's a pretty scary type of person to be on the wrong side of, to be honest.

On the Floor - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Thea has been tossed to the floor, blanket and all. It's not a surprise, as Sara was able to break free from the wall in chains, taking with her a good chunk of brick and mortar. The woman is stronger than she ever was before!

Spotted! - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Oliver and Laurel find Sara, caught in the act. Will they be able to stop her from doing more harm to Thea?

Dirty Sara - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Sara could really do with a shower. Perhaps that's why she's so aggressive.

Sara's Here - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Sara has managed to sneak into Thea's room unseen or heard while Laurel and Oliver are right outside the door. She's going to try to snuff our Thea right under their noses!

Sitting Up in Fear - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Thea is not only pretty banged up but looks pretty fearful right about now. Mosey onto the next photo to find out what has her so spooked!

Thinking - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Laurel appears to be thinking about what she has done. Was it all worth it? Is there any way she's getting her sister back after all this?

Out in the Open - Arrow Season 4 Episode 5

Oliver and Laurel are getting their grievances out in the open. Laurel looks like a little girl, but she's a big girl now and should be able to take it like a woman. She knew it was wrong, or she wouldn't have kept the secret from Oliver.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
