Ella on Scene - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 1

Ella at the scene of Lee's murder, venting about how Lucifer left without a goodbye.

Lucifer and Michael Fight Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer and Michael have a fight after Michael returns and shares unpleasant news with Lucifer.

Fighting Maze - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 1

Maze looks down at her victim after taking down a bad guy in a fight.

Positive Dan - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 1

Dan has taken a new persona of positivity as he embarks on a self-improvement journey.

Lee and Lucifer at Bar Season 5 Episode 1

Lee and Lucifer investigate Lee's murder at a fake bar in hell.

Diablo - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Diablo, the titular character in the TV show loosely based on Lucifer's life.

Chloe Processing - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Chloe is processing the fact that she was, in fact, created for Lucifer.

Michael is Back - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Michael returns to the penthouse, determined to cause a bit more trouble in Lucifer's life.

Celestial Brothers - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Michael and Lucifer meet face-to-face in the penthouse, wings on display.

Diablo and Dancer - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Diablo and Detective Dancer, TV characters loosely based on Lucifer and Chloe Decker.

Amenadiel in Hell - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 2

Amenadiel goes down to hell to deliver a warning to Lucifer that he must return.

Lucifer's Wings Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer shows off is wings at his penthouse when he gets an unwelcome visitor.

Lucifer Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we're tracking a serial killer.


I hate it when people fight over me.
