TALL Luci, Dan, and Chloe Back - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

The real gang is back together: Lucifer, Dan, and Chloe investigate a murder at WB Studios.

Lucifer's Wings Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer shows off is wings at his penthouse when he gets an unwelcome visitor.

Michael and Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Michael and Lucifer lay out on the floor in the middle of a fight with each other.

Lucifer and Michael Fight Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer and Michael have a fight after Michael returns and shares unpleasant news with Lucifer.

Lucifer has a Drink Season 5 Episode 3

Lucifer has a drink in his penthouse, reeling from all the new information he's learned.

Detectives Dancer and Decker - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Chloe's TV portrayer, Detective Dancer, shows up at a scene Lucifer and Chloe are investigating.

Chloe Processing - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Chloe is processing the fact that she was, in fact, created for Lucifer.

Celestial Brothers - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Michael and Lucifer meet face-to-face in the penthouse, wings on display.

Michael is Back - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Michael returns to the penthouse, determined to cause a bit more trouble in Lucifer's life.

Chloe Turns Lucifer Away Season 5 Episode 3

Chloe is upset when Lucifer first returns to the station, believing him to be Michael.

Diablo - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Diablo, the titular character in the TV show loosely based on Lucifer's life.

Dr. Linda - Lucifer Season 5 Episode 3

Linda looks at Lucifer in disbelief, trying to get him to understand how to help Chloe cope.

Lucifer Season 5 Quotes

I mean, at least you guys got to say goodbye. Me? Ghosted completely.


Chloe: Maze, just because you happen to have slept with that one murder victim a few weeks ago doesn’t mean that you slept with them all.
Maze: How am I supposed to keep up?
Chloe: With the murder victims or the people you’ve slept with?
Maze: Either.
Ella: Wow. Maze is really settling into her role as your new Lucifer.