You Want My Help? - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 23

What will have changed for Harm since JAG concluded? Will he be together with Mac or will have gotten in the way?

This Does Not Look Good... - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 23

If our heroes are working with JAG, it sure sounds like whatever threat is plaguing them is about to go global.

Harm is Back! - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 23

Navy Captain Harmon "Harm" Rabb, Jr. from JAG is back. He works with Callen and Sam on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 23.

Making a New Ally - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 23

Callen and Sam head off on a mission to get help from a former JAG character on NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 23.

Providing Intelligence - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

Even with sketchy surveillance coverage, Nell (and Eric) were able to provide the team with important intel while they were in Cuba.

Out From the Shadows - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

Joelle is running Anna's operation to penetrate Volkoff's organization and to find out where Nikita is being held.

Freeway of Love - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

Kensi and Deeks seem comfortable driving around the streets of Havana in a classic American land yacht.

Unfamiliar Turf - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

Sam and Callen get their bearings in Havana, trying to figure out how to find the missing Anna and Nikita.

Caught in the Wrong Place - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

Cuban soldiers working for Russian spymaster Pavel Volkoff sweep up Callen and Joelle after they are betrayed by contact Lionel.

Leaning on a Source - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

Sam works to get information out of Joelle's Cuban source Lionel, who had been forced to betray her and Callen.

An Unsanctioned Mission -- Tall - NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Episode 22

The team laughs at the conspicuous car that Deeks has procured for use on their secret mission in Havana.

Hetty Asks Mac For Help - NCIS: Los Angeles

Hetty enlists her friend, Lieutenant Colonel Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie to help obtain information from a Russian diplomat on NCIS: Los Angeles. "False Flag" is the 24th episode of the show's tenth season.