Hanna in Reflection

Spencer finally sees her friends in "Shadow Play" when Emily and Hanna stop by. Does she have news for them about Ezra?

Spencer Leans

Spencer leans against a vanity so we can take in the back of her suit. The details are amazing!

Time for a Cocktail

A cocktail after a difficult phone call hits the spot for Spencer in "Shadow Play."

Spencer Looks Troubled

Who is on the other end of the phone? Watch "Shadow Play" to find out.

Hello? Who is This?

Spencer in lounge wear, answers an old style telephone in "Shadow Play."

Alison in Black and White

Alison DiLaurentis looks quite alluring in black and white in the upcoming episode "Shadow Play."

Well Hello Alison

In her dreams, Alison trusts Spencer enough to meet face to face. Will that same trust cross over to real life?

Are You on Drugs?

Spencer's brain is trying to tell her something, but will she piece it all together?

How Did That Get There?

When Spencer's sleepless nights and drug addled brain get the best of her, she's transported to the 1940s in a Film Noir world in "Shadow Play."

Spencer's Reflection

Fully utilizing the genre, here's a beautiful photograph from the upcoming black and white episode of Pretty Little Liars, "Shadow Play."

Get A Look at That Dress

Spencer's dress is simply stunning in the upcoming episode of Pretty Little Liars episode "Shadow Play."

Spencer Looks Serious

Spencer is all business as she talks to Toby in the upcoming episode of Pretty Little Liars titled "Shadow Play."

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Quotes

Hanna: You were on the Halloween train dressed like Caleb.
Mona: To think we were this close to our first kiss.

The cat plays with the mouse before she actually eats it.


Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Music

  Song Artist
Song So What Corey TuT
Youth Knows No Pain Lykke Li iTunes
All Our Love Gentlemen Hall iTunes