Toby Looks Dapper

Toby takes well to the 1940s style of dress that he'll be sporting in "Shadow Play"

Spencer Pouts as Toby Talks

What could Toby be saying that makes Spencer look so pensive? We'll find out next week on "Shadow Play."

A Trip Back in Time

Spencer takes a trip back in time to search for answers on Pretty Little Liars. "Shadow Play" is the 19th episode of the show's fourth season.

Aria and Ezra Scene

Aria and Ezra appear to be a happy couple in this Pretty Little Liars scene. But viewers know better.

Hanna on PLL

Hanna appears to be deep in thought in this Pretty Little Liars scene. It is from the episode "Hot for Teacher."

Hot for Teacher Scene

This is a scene from "Hot for Teacher." It is Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Episode 18.

Aria, All Smiles

Aria is smiling in this Pretty Little Liars scene. But will that continue to be the case when the truth about Ezra comes out.

One Creepy Teacher

We're on to you, Ezra! This frightening character is at the center of "Hot for Teacher."

Anxious Spencer

Spencer is prepared to make a drug deal on Pretty Little Liars. This is a photo from the episode "Hot for Teacher."

Pills on PLL

Don't do it, Spencer! The Pretty Little Liar makes a deal for some pills in this "Hot for Teacher" scene.

Making a Drug Deal

Spencer makes a drug deal in this scene from Pretty Little Liars. She definitely has a problem.

Give Me Pills!

Oh, Spencer. You clearly have a problem. This is a photo from "Hot for Teacher."

Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Quotes

Hanna: You were on the Halloween train dressed like Caleb.
Mona: To think we were this close to our first kiss.

The cat plays with the mouse before she actually eats it.


Pretty Little Liars Season 4 Music

  Song Artist
Song So What Corey TuT
Youth Knows No Pain Lykke Li iTunes
All Our Love Gentlemen Hall iTunes