What is Going On? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Now what the heck is this photo? Isn't that the Reverse Flash suit? Is this a flashback photo or does Harry Wells have a Reverse Flash suit, too? We gotta know now!

Leaving Again? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Is Henry Allen getting ready to leave again? Sheesh. He's already putting his coat on. Hopefully he's not going to sneak out the door without saying goodbye. Everyone is trying to save Caitlin. All hands on deck. Hello!

Barry Allen - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

So many emotions play over Grant Gustin's face when he's busy being a son to either Henry Allen or Joe West. He plays such a great son!

You Needed Me - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Of course Henry came home. His son was in danger and paralyzed. At least that makes sense. Even the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Zoom should be enough to have dad racing back for Barry.

Caught - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Another speculative photo here. Now it looks like Joe is wondering what Patty has been up to. Did he catch her in the act of snooping around? He will protect Barry's life with his own, so she had best be careful. She's not on the inside yet.

Big Hug - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Iris gives Henry a big hug. Heck, who wouldn't? He really shouldn't have left so darn soon after being released from prison. Is his return a way for us to size him up as a possible Earth 2 contender for Zoom?!

Henry's Back! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Aha! That's why Iris is in such a good mood! Henry Allen is back and sitting down at the table, reading letters. Why is he reading letters? Who cares. It's just nice to see his face again.

The Wests - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Whatever is going on here, Iris sure looks tickled pink about it. What does she have up her sleeve, anyway?

Sneaking Around - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Is it just me, or does this photo make it look like Patty is sneaking around looking for information on what she believes Barry is hiding from her? People sometimes keep secrets for reasons.

Hard at Work - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Patty is hard at work, but she's also getting a little concerned that Barry is keeping something from her. Ummm...doesn't everyone have secrets, especially as early as they are in a relationship?

All Smiles - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Cisco will be planning his first date with Kendra Saunders. Will he be able to go on his first date after his coworker Caitlin has her own date with Gorilla Grodd?

Captive - The Flash

Caitlin is held captive by Gorilla Grodd! Will she be the Fay Wray to his King Kong? Certainly the smart Gorilla has a soft spot inside there, and she's gonna find it!

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
