Get Set - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

The Flash still looks like he's on the ready. When will he actually go?! When those little lightning bolts come flashing off his body, and he is just speeding across town. That's a fun look.

On Your Mark - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

The Flash is on his mark, preparing to take off in a race only he can win. Well, unless he's up against one of the other Flashes. Then I have no idea who would win. They have more experience, after all.

Listening In - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

For some reason, when I look at this photo, it appears as if Barry is listening intently. Why doesn't he tell us why he's not wearing the new suit. What does it mean that he's wearing the old one in every single photo we've seen while the new one appears only in a case?

Fire It Up! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Mick Rory is all about firing things up, and he has his Heatwave gun pointed at something, hoping to blast it out of sight. What will it be, do you think? Would it even make a dent in Atom-Smasher?

Dastardly Duo - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside, there's Heatwave and Captain Cold! Making lightning wherever they go, those two future legends. Legends! Can you even believe it? It will be interesting seeing how they behave before they go.

Nice Emblem - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Cisco is pleased with the spiffed up new Flash costume. Not like we've seen it in action yet, as all of the other photos feature the older suit. I wonder what gives... What I'm wondering is how Barry chooses to use the hood only and when to use that harder looking face mask thing. For the time warp business, maybe? Bullets?

What Happened?! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Something happened. Was The Flash smashed by the Atom-Smasher? It's never good when Barry ends up in the hospital bed. If he doesn't have Harrison Wells to push him to train to the next level, we're going to need those other Flashes to act as his proxy!

Good Measure - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

This time we're ensuring we understand how freaked out the ladies are about what's happening. Notice the juxtaposition in the style choices of Iris and Caitlin? I'd think Caitlin, as a scientist, would want to be more comfortable for her work. Guess not!

More Concern - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Further proving there is major concern here, we're cutting away to Barry and Joe from another angle. See how worried they are? Imagine the photographer running to and fro grabbing these pics. Capture the concern!

Concerned Iris - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Iris looks great in this photo, other than the fact she's obviously very concerned about what's happening in STAR Labs. I love the style she's rockin' with the plain white T. She carries it off nicely!

Infiltrated - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

It sure looks like someone has infiltrated STAR Labs again. From the trailer we know that the Atom-Smasher manages to morph his way somewhere. Perhaps it's here? They look none too happy, not a single one of them. And Joe's got a gun drawn again!

Looking Casual - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Barry has the casual look. The festivities are over and things are back to normal at STAR Labs. Or are they? What is the look he has on his face? Is something going down?

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
