Sharing Grim News - The Resident Season 5 Episode 11

Bell is battling with some health issues and after he learns what they are he must share the news with his family.

Bell's Family -tall - The Resident Season 5 Episode 11

Bell is happy to spend some quality time with Kit and the rest of his family, Jake and little Sammi.

A Kitbell Kiss -tall - The Resident Season 5 Episode 11

Bell finds out what his diagnosis is, but will he share it with Kit, and can they go through this together?

A Kitbell Kiss - The Resident Season 5 Episode 11

Bell finds out what his diagnosis is, but will he share it with Kit, and can they go through this together?

A Case Turns Personal - The Resident

A case concerning a heart-donor recipient turns personal for Conrad on The Resident. "Her Heart" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

The Resident Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Cade: It would suggest you and I could be friends, Feldman.
Irving: I'm impossible not to like, Sullivan. So you aren't on social media. I tried to find you to make sure you weren't a psychopath.
Cade: Well, I'm not an exhibitionist or a narcissist.

Conrad: We need to talk in your office.
Bell: Let's just talk here.
Conrad: It's Multiple Sclerosis.