Micah Returns

Micha returns to be checked out on The Resident Season 1 Episode 8, and he has a thing for Mina, but does she return the feeling?

Bell's Lie

Bell lies his ass off, but anything to look good, right? The Resident Season 1 Episode 8.

Homeless Jane Doe - The Resident

A homeless Jane Doe is dumped off at the hosptial on The Resident. "Family Affair" is the eighth episode of the show's first season.

The Real Doctors of Chastain - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

Devon and Conrad strike a pose like hottest doctors around. Can we expect more of their bromance action? It has been sorely lacking in the recent episodes, but they kick butt when they work together. Now that Devon and Nic are on a mission to take down Lane, perhaps Conrad will help them.

Ominous Sign - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

No one, I repeat, no one wants to see a group of doctors standing at the foot of their bed like that. Granted, Bobby here is supposedly a terminal patient, but still, a group of docs lingering by your bedside is a scary thing.

Nic Confiscates Items - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

Nurse Nic gives strict orders, and this time around, those orders must include no baseballs or cellphones. What could the patient, Bobby Singer, possibly be doing with baseballs at a hospital? Who knows?

Meeting of the Minds - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

Conrad disagrees with Lane on how best to treat a terminal cancer patient. Jude offers to do the controversial surgery, but Conrad is not fond of the idea. Wilmot (Jocko Sims) and Dr. Masserro (Matt Walton) try to convince Conrad that they're right.

Welcome Wagon - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

VIP patients are nothing new at Chastain Park, but how will Nic handle it when one of them gets a little too handsy? She's already on thin ice with Dr. Lane. Guest stars Stephen McKinley and Vernee Watson are featured.

Elevator Confessions - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

Conrad and Devon exchange a few words in the elevator while on their way to check in on a patient.Conrad is not pleased with how his patient is being handled, and he'll likely go his own way to do what he feels is right, but will he convince Devon to follow him?

Devon Consults - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

Devon consults a patient who comes into Chastain Park. Guest Star Damon Dayoub will play one of the patients on The Resident Season 1 Episode 7. Conrad will be fighting for a patient with terminal cancer, and Nic will have a run-in with a VIP patient.

All's Well for Now - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

Conrad's parting words to Nic on The Resident Season 1 Episode 6 were heavy. He told her that he was finally letting her go and making an attempt to move on. How will it affect their working relationship?

Devon Helps Priya Investigate - The Resident Season 1 Episode 7

On The Resident Season 1 Episode 7, "The Elopement", guest star Tasie Lawrence returns as Devon's girlfriend Priya. When we last saw Priya she was investigating something that could very well be as big as the Flint Water Crisis. Devon may be getting involved and offering his expertise as a doctor, but will her investigation get her or both of them in trouble or put them in danger?

The Resident Season 1 Quotes

Conrad: Everything you thought you knew about medicine is wrong. All the rules you followed will break. I have only one rule, it covers everything. I'm never wrong. You do whatever the hell I tell you, no questions asked.
Devon: Do you want me to speak now?
Conrad: That's a question.

Bell: I'm Chief of Surgery, and it's the end of a 30-hour shift. What did you see?
Doctor: We're all on the same side here. Maybe he had a heart attack.