Devon against lane

Devon wants to help Nic take down Lane when he realizes she was right.

Mina and Nic

The girls spend the day together helping patients.

Shutting Nic Out - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

By now, Nic is aware that Conrad's father is at the hospital, and she wants to know more about him and Conrad's relationship. Unfortunately for her, Conrad isn't willing to open up about it. Conrad is not an emotionally open person as it is, but something tells me he may be harboring some resentment towards her after spying her and Jude leaving together.

Emotionally Distant - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

Conrad and Marshall aren't just emotionally distant from one another. They're physically distant in this photo. Conrad is not interested in his father's return, but Marshall is hoping to appeal to him and possibly get Conrad to run a hospital that Marshall wants to buy. This is a recipe for disaster.

Remain Calm - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

Conrad once again reassuring his patient that he should remain calm and let him do what Conrad does best. The nature of this case may be an interesting one. Dr. Ben Wilmot is supposed to be lingering around because he's intrigued by a case that may help him solve a decades-long mystery, and we'll have to watch The Resident to see if this is the case that reels him in.

Mina in Stitches - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

Is she, is Mina actually giving herself stitches? Yeah, yeah that's totally something she would do. She must have gotten hurt while helping the others restrain a patient. Just another day in the life of a surgical resident at Chastain.

A Group Effort - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

Trying to keep this patient calm requires a group effort. Poor guy must be in a lot of pain. Or he's just a difficult patient. Either way, he may need to be sedated or strapped down or something. He's putting up a heck of a fight!

Conrad Confronts Ben - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

Is it even The Resident of Confrontational Conrad doesn't get face-to-face with another doctor? It's totally his thing. The latest person he's exchanging words with is a new doctor of Internal Medicine named Ben Wilmot. He's cocky, controlling, attractive, and he has an agenda. Basically, he fits right in with everyone else! Yes, that is The Last Ship's Jocko Sims.

The Trio We Love - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

So one of the crucial members of our favorite doc squad is missing. Where is your gorgeous face, Devon? But this is still a trio we love. Irving must have caught Conrad and Mina on their way in to start their shift. Perhaps he's giving them the run-down on the best cases.

Friendly-ish - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

There you go, you guys. This is more your speed, I'm sure. Jude isn't the only one stopping by Nic's station for a friendly chat. Conrad is stopping by too. Ah, don't you guys just love a love triangle?!

Returning a Trinket - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

OK Nicrad (?) ConNic? Nevkins? I don't know. You guys have to let me in on the 'ship names. Anyway, calm yourselves Nic and Conrad 'shippers. I know what this looks like, and it looks bad. We last saw Nic and Jude taking off together in Jude's pickup, and now we see him possibly returning Nic's necklace. It doesn't mean anything, ok?! It doesn't have to mean anything! I could be innocent.

We'll Figure It Out - The Resident Season 1 Episode 6

Conrad's latest patient is not feeling up to par and no one has been able to help him. Conrad can though. Conrad assures his patient that he will do what he can to figure out what's wrong with him and help him to the best of his abilities, and maybe even beyond them. Why can't more doctors be like Conrad? Serious question.

The Resident Season 1 Quotes

Conrad: Everything you thought you knew about medicine is wrong. All the rules you followed will break. I have only one rule, it covers everything. I'm never wrong. You do whatever the hell I tell you, no questions asked.
Devon: Do you want me to speak now?
Conrad: That's a question.

Bell: I'm Chief of Surgery, and it's the end of a 30-hour shift. What did you see?
Doctor: We're all on the same side here. Maybe he had a heart attack.