Crashing Down - The Resident Season 4 Episode 8

Everything seems to be crashing down around Mina when she finds out that she is facing more issues with immigration.

Nic's Support Network - The Resident Season 4 Episode 8

On The Resident midseason finale, Nic comes face to face with the man who attacked her and Conrad and Billie support Nic.

Cardio Lovers - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Mina and AJ are the cardio gods of the hospital after Mina does her first solo surgery when AJ gets called away.

Kit Visits Cain - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Kit visits Cain at the hospital when she gets word that he's awake and off of the ventilator on The Resident Season 4 Episode 7.

Cain Intubation - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Cain is awake and struggling to get off of his intubation when he's stuck at a vent farm away from Chastain.

Fleeing the Nest - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Mina performs a huge surgery of her own when AJ gets called away, and she gets to prove her skillset.

Intended Distance - tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Jake is determined to keep Bell at arm's length, but will he ever come around to his stepfather and new colleague.

Friendly Attempts - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Bell is going out of his way to make friendly attempts at reconnecting with his stepson, but it's an uphill battle.

Jake is Annoyed - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Bell is still trying to bond and reconnect with his stepson, Jake, but Jake is still resistant to Bell.

Making Patients Smile - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Devon bonds with a patient who battles sickle cell and doesn't always feel heard by medical professionals.

Helping Rose - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Devon pours his all into helping his patient, Rose,who has sickle cell and is experiencing extreme pain.

Rose - Tall - The Resident Season 4 Episode 7

Cara Ricketts guest-stars as Rose, Devon's patient who has sickle cell, and she's experiencing pain from flare-ups.

The Resident Season 4 Quotes

Devon: How you feeling? Any jitters?
Conrad: No, I'm as happy as I've ever been. I'm marrying my soulmate.

Conrad: Slightly different guy than that jerk you met your first day of residency. 
Devon: You were just doing your job the wrong way.
Conrad: I must've done something the right way. You turned into a damn fine doctor.
Devon: Yeah, well. It hasn't always felt that way. 
Conrad: When all hell breaks loose, you find out what people are made of. You excelled.
Devon: That's very kind of you, but let's stick to you.