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Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18 Review: Choose or Lose

Critic's Rating: 3.8 / 5.0

Stop the bus. A.D. knows how to blow up phones remotely. 

That much was revealed on Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18 which was actually a rather comical episode of this Freeform series, despite all of the dark developments. 

Hello, Aria - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18

As expected, Rosewood PD finally closed in on the liars, and we got one of the darkest openings to the series in recent memory. It was refreshing that the liars had their homes raided early into the hour. 

Usually, this type of development would be saved for the final few moments, so I can't fault the series for trying to crank up the pace as we head towards the last-ever episode, which airs in two weeks. 

Let's talk about Aria. That girl should have known better than to work with the villain in the first place. I'm not buying her reasons for it, either. That file could have added further strain to her relationship with Ezra, but now she's likely gearing up for a stretch behind bars. 

What You Doing Here? - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18

Wouldn't it have been easier for her just to tell Ezra the truth? I get that he was busy with Nicole, but I seriously hope she did not keep quiet in case he decided he would be better off with Nicole. 

That would be sad. Like, really sad. All of Aria's actions have been terrible, to say the least, but my heart broke for her when she was caught by her friends. Did she seriously think A.D. was going to have a little meet and greet with her?

It's not that easy, and I think after the conclusion in which she was caught with Archer Dunhill's body in her car, she'll finally realize it's time to play dirty with the villain. For far too long, these girls have been treated like crap, and it finally looks like they are going to get pro-active to save themselves. 

It looks like Aria's prizes were actually an orange jumpsuit and a rotten dead body. Those aren't exactly prizes, but I guess she was going to hand herself in, anyway. 

Packed Up - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18

Oh, and did anyone else laugh at how rich it was of Spencer to open a can of verbal whoop ass on Aria for wearing the black hoodie? Did she have a mental break in which she forgot she was wearing one earlier?

It's a sad day when Mona Vanderwaal has more sense than all of the liars combined. Mona is very clearly getting ready to steal back the game. Why should she even help the liars if only one of them is thankful?

I dare say Mona realized she could cause a divide amongst the girls with the revelation about Aria before she decided she wanted to become the one in control again. I'm not a huge fan of this storyline, but the liars deserve it. 

It's Bad - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18

It's difficult to trust someone who has made your life hell in the past, and Mona seems like she is ready to take them down once and for all. Stealing the game was a genius move, but something tells me she's going to rage at Caleb and Ezra when she finds out they were snooping outside her door. 

Maybe she'll give them some answers about A.D. because it's about time the viewers were given some. God, I can't believe I actually believed Marlene King that we would get answers on an episodic basis this season. 

Like that was ever going to happen. 

I did find it rather dumb that Tanner was back in the mix. If she could not lead her team to find out who was tormenting the liars before, why would she have any success in sending the girls down this time around?

That woman cannot run a bath, never mind a police department. Maybe the show is using her return as a way to bring the series full circle, but it's one hell of a stretch. 

Why is she even still employed? Yes, that's a question I want to be answered before the series wraps. I don't even care about who killed Charlotte anymore. It's been far too long for me to care. 

Planning a Wedding? - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18

Let's talk about Hanna and Caleb getting married. That was not the wedding I would have expected. Maybe Aria's phone blowing up used the entire budget and didn't allow for a lavish Rosewood wedding. 

Kidding aside, I'm glad Ashley was given more to do. I cringed when she showed up at City Hall, but what else could she do? She learned Hanna was in the $hit and still showed up to the wedding. 

Then again, at least they can no longer testify against each other when they are inevitably arrested. Sigh. 

Did anyone else laugh out loud at Ashley's comment about getting parole for the teddy bear? Where has she been all this time? Where are the other mothers? Give me some Pretty Senior Liars. 

Ashley: Never underestimate the power of mom. Give me time; I might even get your teddy bear paroled.

🔗 permalink: Never underestimate the power of mom. Give me time; I might even get your teddy bear paroled.

Did anyone else spy Dark Spencer having sex with Toby? Something about that whole conversation seemed off, and with the twin theory running rampant right about now, I'm willing to bet that was not Spencer Hastings in the woods. Unless, of course, A.D. is so crazy that they share Spencer's name, as well as her DNA. 

Also, did anyone else notice Spencer's sudden change of clothing when she smashed up the cell phone just a short time later? The clues are there, you guys!

Anyone want a Flip Phone? - Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 18

I'm still struggling to get on board with Emison because of how Alison wound up pregnant, but even a heartless ass like me felt happy about the scene at the kissing rock. 

"Choose or Lose" upped the ante with a lot of stuff going on, but I can't help but feel like a lot of it should have happened earlier in the season. It's almost like Marlene decided while working on this episode that it was time to wrap up the show. 

My one sincere hope is that the show has a meaningful conclusion that does it justice. However, I feel like that's a bit too much to ask considering how many wasted opportunities there have been. 

Over to you, Pretty Little Liars Fanatics! What did you think of the episode?

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Remember you can watch Pretty Little Liars online right here via TV Fanatic. 

Note: Pretty Little Liars Season 7 Episode 19 airs June 20 on Freefall Freeform. 

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