Adrianna: I just wanna be a normal teenager.
Naomi: Hell to the yes!

Teddy is amazing. Trust me, Teddy is amazing.

Teddy: I enjoy watching beautiful girls beg.
Adrianna: You're evil.

Navid: I'm a journalist. Journalists don't pull punches.
Adrianna: They also don't attack someone just because he used to date their girlfriend.

Adrianna: Do you know how many other girls there are just like me?
Navid: I do. Zero.

Adrianna: I think we've waited long enough.
Navid: For...?
Adrianna: Yeah.

I need to figure out who I am before becoming Navid's girlfriend... we need to break up.

Naomi: I can't be distracted by rock-hard abs and thighs that have driven countries to war.
Adrianna: What country has ever been driven to war over thighs?

Please forgive me.

Adrianna: I thought I wasn't your problem anymore.
Navid: I still care about you, okay?

You really weren't that hard to get over... we were only together because I needed you. That's not love.

Naomi: You should actually come with us, the shops are still open for another 20 minutes and i'm still looking for the perfect LGD.
Adrianna: Little gold dress.
Annie: Ah, of course.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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