The people who put these ops together are the best of the best. They know what they're doing.

I've been where you are right now so please believe me when I tell you you don't have to be afraid.

Simmons: This is the victim's brain.
Coulson: It looks like a burnt baked potato.

You should know, I'm not a fan of being poked.

Melinda: You can't save someone from themselves, sir.
Coulson: You can if you get to them early enough [looks at Skye].

May: What is your gut telling you now.
Coulson: That she's still hiding something.

We don't want to hurt you Chin. I'm sorry, but we have too.

Coulson: Go ahead, say it.
May: I don't do petty.
Coulson: But you called it. I trusted my gut even though you said she was a risk.
May: When someone breaks into my house, I usually don't invite them to stay. But that's me.
Coulson: That's me too. Then that alien staff when through my heart.
May: Sure it didn't go through the brain?
Coulson: You really don't do comforting either do you?

May: Bus to short bus.
Ward: Go for short bus.
Coulson: Next time I'll decide what we call ourselves, ok.

Skye: So you asked how she could have cracked the system. I have a pitch, but its way outside the box.
Coulson: I live outside the box.

Skye: What's up Phil.
Coulson: I prefer you not call me Phil.
Skye: Ok, you're the boss AC.

Coulson: Have you seen Skye?
Ward: Not since weapons training.
Coulson: She stop saying bang when she pulls the trigger?
Ward: Mostly. Now if she can just learn the difference between the safety release and the magazine release, we will be making real progress.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.