Amanda: I'm actually kinda bummed that Mr Meade isn't my father, he is rich and bald
Marc: Your Daddy Warbucks fantasy
Amanda: I don't know why it's so strong

Daniel, no, I have unresolved issues with you so just squeeze a boob and I have to go

Amanda: Those are the DNA results.
Daniel: So.. um, how many times you think we...
Amanda: A lot.. But just remember, if your dad's DNA does match mine, we're only half brother and sister, which means if we did it like twenty times, it was only wrong ten.
Daniel: Okay, that actually made sense to me...Oh my god, you are so my sister!

So what if you're mangy and disgusting with a weird rash on your butt or maybe that is your butt.

Amanda: Okay Halston, I'm sure some one will adopt you
Ugly Lady at Pound: I dunno that is one ugly dog
Mrc: Pot, kettle, black

Amanda [referring to her dog Halston]: Suddenly I'm a caregiver. That is so not who I am.
Marc: It's true. You're a bit of a monster on the inside.

Amanda [referring to Fey]: I just stare at her picture all day and then I stare at myself in the mirror
Marc: More than usual?
Amanda: Yeah
Marc: Oh
Amanda: I just wish I got to know her better
Marc: Yeah and I wish I got to know Marlon Brando before he got fat

That makes Daniel my brother, who I slept with... a lot. And that's the kind of dirty that don't wash clean.


Amanda: Hey, what's different about you? You get your hair cut?
Betty: I'm wearing an eye patch.
Amanda: You didn't always have that?

Marc: So this is where you grew up?
Amanda: This is it, the house of lies. Mother!? If that is your real name!

[after Christina open's Fey's safe]
Amanda: Ooh what's in there? I want money and jewelry.
Christina: It looks like her diary
Amanda: Eww, reading. What else is there?

Christina: Back in Scotland I have a husband
Amanda: Oh, you just got 10% more interesting
Christina: He's an insurance auditor
Amanda: Okay, 5%
Christina: Believe me, it's less

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.