Amy: Bender, you can't be an Ultimate Robot Fighter. It's the most brutal form of competition in the galaxy!
Bender: It is?
Farnsworth: There are no rules. Two robots enter, one robot leaves. Then later the other robot leaves after being declared the winner.
Bender: Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
Farnsworth: Oh, did I mention the crippling, agonising pain? I'm pretty sure I did. Oh, yes, definitely.

Fry: Cool! Let's see this one!
Leela: Nah. I'm not in the mood for a historical documentary. I've heard good things about Quizblorg, Quizblorg.
Amy: Guk! I hate subtitles. Alien films are so pretentious.
Zoidberg: Fellows! Fellows! How about a film we can all enjoy? Planet Of The Clams. It's about an upside-down world where lobster is slave to clam.
Bender: Who invited you? Let's just see All My Circuits: The Movie.
Fry: Yeah, I wanna see that.
Bender: Good point, Bender.

Amy: Fry, what happened to your brain slug?
Farnsworth: Tsk, tsk. The poor guy starved to death.

Amy: Wow! When I was a little girl on Mars I dreamed of being Miss Universe.
Leela: That's kinda pathetic.
Amy: Aw, come on, Leela. Deep down all girls wanna be Miss Universe.
Leela: Not me.
Amy: Really? Maybe it's just cute girls.

Hermes: Take a rage dump, man. He's no worse than Bender.
Fry: He's much worse. He drinks and smokes and he posts naked pictures of me on the Internet.
Amy: That's Bender, alright.
Fry: I'm talking about Flexo.

And, Bender, your beer belly's so big your door won't even close. And that doesn't even make sense.

Zoidberg: Amy, take off these rubber bands and I'll show you how normal I am!
Amy: Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me.

Fry: Co-ed steam rooms! I love the future!
Leela: Uh, Fry, you're in the women's steam room.
Fry: Ah, futuristic!
Amy: Hey, look what life was like before gene splicing.
Leela: Those poor, 20th century women.

Amy: Hey, who's up for a nice, hot steam?
Zoidberg: We crustaceans don't like steam.

Farnsworth: Come on, everyone. Perhaps some skiing will help us forget the mouldy old antics of Conan O'Brien.
Amy: Yeah!
Leela: Great idea!
Zoidberg: We can only hope!

Farnsworth: Back in 2801, the Friendly Robot Company built a robotic Santa to determine who'd be naughty and who'd been nice and distribute presents accordingly. But something went wrong.
Fry: Wow! 2801! Anyway...
Farnsworth: Wait, you fool! Due to a programming error, Santa's standards were set too high and he invariably judges everyone to be naughty.
Amy: If he catches you after dark, he'll chop off your head and stuff your neck full of toys from his sack of horrors.
Farnsworth: Nice meeting you.

Fry: I feel like a rat. Here I am whining like a pig while all along Leela was lonely as a frog. I could kick myself.
Amy: I'll do it for you. (kicks Fry)
Fry: Ow! Thanks.

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!