I got your hook-up, Fry. Now, my usual fee's 500 bucks, but seeing as how it's you, I'll need it in advance.

Fry: She seems a little old for me.
Bender: She is well-travelled. And I don't mean she travels a lot!

Bender: Now how about a rose for the lady? Five bucks a pop!
Gary: I'll take one.
Fry: Oh, yeah? Well I want one too.
Bender: Eight bucks.
Fry: But you just said-
Bender: Demand suddenly skyrocketed. You all saw it!

Bender: Leela, meet your future husband Sal.
Sal: Nice eyeball, eyeball.
Leela: Nice ass, ass.

Sal: So anyways, Leela, I'd love to take a whack at ya but that 10:15 to Nutley ain't goin' nowheres without yours truly behinds the wheel.
Petunia: Excuse me, did you say "10:15 to Nutley"?
Sal: Why, yes I dids.
Leela: Bender! Did you just round up our dates at the bus station?
Bender: Of course not.
Sal: Anybodys else for Nutley?
Bender's customers get up and head for the door

Bender: Yep, everything worked out great thanks to good old Bender.
Leela: Come on! It's not like you intentionally set us up with bad dates so we'd spend Valentine's Day together.
Bender: Didn't I, Leela? Didn't I?
Leela: No! You didn't! You just corralled a bunch of stiffs at the bus station and pocketed our money!
Bender: True. But in the end, isn't that what Valentine's Day is really all about?
Leela: Yeah.
Fry: I guess so.

(Bender dancing in Studio 123)
Bender: Do the Bender! Do the Bender!
Randy: No thank you!
Bender: I SAID DO IT!

On the count of three, you will awaken feeling refreshed, as if Futurama were never cancelled by idiots and then brought back by bigger idiots. One...two...(snaps fingers)


Fry: I need cheering up Bender. I don't know, you want to go out and party tonight?
Bender: I hate partying. If only I didn't have so much crunk in my ba-dun-ka-dunk!

Bender: I wanna aks it a question! As a robot living among humans, I've never really felt accepted at parties or nude beaches. So I've always secretly wondered: What if I was 500-feet tall?

Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion, the x makes it sound cool.

Bender: Hey, I called this city! Quit touching my stuff!
Zoidberg: Tell it to claw.
Bender: Bite my colossal metal ass!

Futurama Quotes

Dear Captain's Diary; I may not have found love on this mission but I did find a cute little companion who excretes starship fuel. And that's just as good.


Amy: Is it possible to get everyone back to normal using four or more bodies?
Professor: I'm not sure. I'm afraid we need to use... math!