"It's clear that the three of you are incompetent fools, possibly even some sort of terrorist cell. So, as president, I'm gonna decide what the prom theme is going to be this year. And I think that it should be...dinosaurs."

Brittany: "And finally, all hair gel has been banned from the prom."
Blaine: [laughing] "Right."
Brittany: "I'm actually not joking. Hair gel wasn't invented until 30 million years after the Paleolithic Stone Age. And frankly, I don't like the way you look. Therefore, anyone who shows up to the prom wearing hair gel will be turned away at the door."

[to Wade] That's a great haircut Mercedes, but I thought you graduated.

I had a song in my heart, Blaine Warbler, and you killed it. Now I have a dead song in my heart and pretty soon the corpse of my dead heart song is going to start to smell.

Brittany: My name is Brittany S. Pierce, and I finally know how Jesus feels in his house way up at the North Pole because I am on top of the world. Senior year was awesome and now I get to relive every minute of it. I'm head Cheerio, vice-Rachel of the Glee club, and now I'm planning a Middle East style sham election that will install me as senior class president for life.
Blaine: Brittany, who are you talking to?
Brittany: I thought I was doing a voice over.

Sue: Brittany, you're off the Cheerios.
Brittany: Tough love feels a lot like mean.

Blaine: We don't lip sync in Glee
Brittany: My voice is too weak to sing live. I've been up every night this week yelling at the shrubs in my yard that have been making fun of me.

Sam: I know what you're up to. Lip-syncing, beating up Jacob Ben Israel. You're intentionally hitting rock bottom.
Brittany: So I can make a glorious comeback just like Britney. I mean, look at her. She got paid $14 million dollars to be on X Factor, she looks great, and she has an amazing perfume you can smell from miles away. No matter what happened to her, she just came back stronger.
Sam: Consider this the last stop on the Train Wreck Express--an intervention.

Brittany, take a seat. This is clearly the plan of an idiot. But a plan, nonetheless, and one that required the barest modicum of human logic, which frankly I thought was beyond you.


Kurt: He hasn't called you because he loves you, not because he's forgotten about you. Your freedom is a gift he's given you--accept it.
Rachel: It's just so much freedom all at once it's starting to feel like loneliness.
Kurt: The only cure for loneliness is cake.

Artie: I mean, it's no secret that a woman loves a man in power, and don't take this personally, but before I graduate I would like to have a relationship that lasts longer than a couple weeks.
Brittany: Why would I take that personally?
Artie: You and I dated.
Brittany: We did?

Blaine: Brittany S. Pierce in her last term accomplished absolutely nothing except plan a dinosaur-themed prom and ban the use of hair gel. Ladies and gentlemen, telling anyone what they can or can't put in their hair is disgusting. It's tyranny, my friends. Next thing you know, they'll start burning books. And then they'll probably start burning people, too.
Brittany: That's a lie.

Glee Quotes

You think this is hard? Try waterboarding. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor