Last night Gus had a whole lot of game.

...ballin' and shot callin''s hard out there for a pimp...

Shawn: Are you sure this water's holy?
Gus: Yes, I had Father Wesley bless it over the phone.

Where's Lucien?

Shawn, Gus and Juliet

You went boneless, didn't you?

She used to talk about you that way.

Gus [about Juliet]

Lassiter: You saw him too, Guster?
Gus: No, But I see him now.

Groove to it, Shawn.

There is always time for business, Shawn.

Carlton: Is this gonna get awkward again?
Shawn and Gus: It already is.

Mr. O'Hara, as a budding entrepreneur myself, I'm wondering, how did you make your fortune?

Gus: You stole a key from a kid?!
Shawn: Come on, Gus that was no kid. That was the product of centuries of inbreeding.

Psych Quotes

Gus: That's a player's move, Shawn, a player's move.
Shawn: That's not a player's move, Gus, that's an astronomer's move.

Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.