Miranda: Let's not lose perspective here, there are ways to work around this.
Samantha: Well, I don't wanna work around it. I love a big dick, I love it inside of me, I love looking at it, I love everything about it. When I blow him, it's like, shrugs shoulders.....nothing
Miranda: Well, can you talk to him about it?
Samantha: It's the only thing we can't talk about.
Charlotte: How is he with his tongue?

Carrie: Sweetie, don't you think it's weird that you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know, to get closer to Jack?
Charlotte: But how well do we ever know the people we sleep with?
Carrie (voiceover): That was the thing about Charlotte. Just when you were about to write her off as a Park Avenue Pollyanna, she'd say something so right on, you'd think she was the Dalai Lama.

Charlotte: So, which church does his mother go to?
Carrie: Park Avenue Presbyterian.
Charlotte: Good church! It's one of the best on the East Side!
Carrie: What? Are you rating churches? Is there a Zagat guide for that?
Miranda: Four stars. Great bread. Disappointing wine selection.

Carrie: Meeting a friend's new boyfriend for the first time is always a little tense, what if you don't like him, what if he doesn't like you?
Charlotte: Kevin, this my good friend Carrie.
Kevin: Hey, Carrie.
Carrie: What if you've already slept with him?
Charlotte: You two know each other?
Carrie: Well, kind of....
Kevin: We used to go out.
Carrie: Well, kind of used to go out.
Charlotte: You two used to go out, that's so funny.

(Talking about oral sex)
Charlotte: The truth is, I hate doing it.
Samantha: Honey, you can't be serious!
Miranda: Are you telling us you never perform this act?
Carrie: She'll juggle, she'll spin plates, but she won't give head.
Charlotte: I don't like putting it in my mouth! I have a very sensitive gag reflex and it makes me want to puke!
Miranda: That's one way to say no.
Charlotte: It's not like I haven't tried. I practiced on a banana, I pretended it was a Popsicle, but...I just don't like it.
Miranda: Personally, I'm loving it, up to the point where the guy wants me to swallow.
Carrie: Well that's just, that's really a judgment call.
Samantha: Some men take it so personally if you don't.
Miranda: Some guys don't give you a choice!
Carrie: Well that's just bad behavior.
Charlotte: Are you honestly telling me you like it?
Carrie: Well, it's not my favorite thing on the menu, but you know, I'll order it from time to time, and, with the right guy, it can be nice.
Miranda: Oral sex is like God's gift to women. You can get off without worrying about getting pregnant.
Samantha: Plus the sense of power is such a turn-on, maybe you're on your knees, but you got him by the balls.
Charlotte: You see, that is the reason that I don't want to go down this road.
Carrie: Well sweetheart, if you're gonna get all choked up about it (Carrie and Miranda exchange looks about the pun), just don't do it, don't do it!
Miranda: But if you don't go down on him, how can you expect him to go down on you?
Charlotte: I don't.
Miranda: Oh well, forget it! I only give head to get head!
Samantha: Me too.

Kevin leaves to answer his phone
Charlotte: Ok when?
Carrie: Umm, three years ago.
Charlotte: Three years, I can live with that. Serious?
Carrie: Oh no!
Charlotte: Good! Why'd you two break up?
Carrie: You know, we were in different places and I .....
Charlotte: Listen, Carrie, we don't have time for diplomacy, just tell me.
Carrie: He's a sex maniac.

the women are spying on Carrie's neighbours having sex
Charlotte: It never goes down does it? Look it's still....
Samantha: Hard.
Charlotte: Yeah.
Samantha: Gummy bear please. Give me the fucking candy.
Carrie: Hey, snapping over gummy bears might be a sign that celibacy is not for you.
Samantha: All I can say is that, my big payoff better be worth it.
Miranda: Samantha, I don't understand you, there are people out there starving and your fasting.

Charlotte: Everyone needs a man, that's why I rent. If you own and he still rents then the power structure is all off. It's emasculating, men don't want a woman who's too self sufficient.
Samantha: I'm sorry, did someone just order a Victorian straight up?

Carrie: Charlotte, come on. You're still young. You have plenty of time to have children.
Charlotte: No, no I don't. I don't want to be one of those 40-year-old moms. (Glances at Samantha) No, no offence.
Samantha: Well I don't want to be one of them either. There are no frozen eggs in my freezer.

Carrie: Alright, so officially he's late.
Charlotte: Who?
Miranda: Mr. Big, who else?
Charlotte: Carrie, that's great! Is it a date?
Carrie: No he called it a "thing". He said, meet me...meet me for a drink "thing". He never used the "d" word.
Charlotte: Well, "thing" is good. I mean, "thing" comes before date.

Samantha: You know, married women are threatened because we can have sex anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
Carrie: We can?
Samantha: And they're afraid we're gonna have it anytime, anywhere with their husbands.
Charlotte: I would never sleep with a married man.
Smanatha: What makes you so sure you haven't? Wedding rings come off you know.

Carrie: So how was the sex?
Charlotte: Amazing, it was like Liz was looking over us, giving us her blessing.
Carrie: Threesome in absentia.