M’Benga: I didn’t start the fight, Chris.
Pike: This whole situation is… It’s complicated.
M’Benga: Is it? Rah was living a lie. I saw his true face. What if I told you he murdered children? Not his men. He did it. What if I started the fight then? Would that be so bad?

Una:Mr. Spock ran an analysis of this delta. It’s not just a badge, it’s also a communicator. You just press right here.
Pike: But flipping it open’s the best part.
Una: I like ours better too.

Boimler: I joined Starfleet so I can be a part of history. But if they can’t find a way to get us back home, we’re going to have to go live somewhere off the grid where we can’t affect history at all.
Mariner: No, no, no, I am not living off the grid anywhere. I thrive on the grid. I require grid.

Mariner: Maybe I could help her?
Pike: I reeeeally want to say no, but how much more damage could you do at this point? So, go for it.

Captain’s log, supplemental. Our problems seemed to have doubled. We started our day with one time traveler and now we have two. Which is,,, a lot.

Boimler: Sir, there has to be a peaceful solution. And I know diplomacy is one of your many, many strengths. That and patience, forgiveness, benevolence… really great hair?
Pike: Hail the Orions.

Una: We sure this is wise?
Pike: No, but I’m going with it.

Pike: He was so excited to see me, that for a second, it felt like my future wasn’t so bad.
Una: I get that, Chris.
Pike: But then he goes and alters time and I feel like I’m trying to stop a toddler from knocking over the furniture.

Ortegas: It’s the shiniest gas station I’ve ever seen.
Pike: Well, it’s not just a gas station, Lieutenant. It’s right at the edge of the frontier. It unlocks half the quadrant. It’ll be the jumping off point for the next great age of exploration.
Una: Oh, good. I was afraid I’d missed the speech.
Pike: Well, I started earlier, but Uhura fell asleep.

Pike: Are we really talking the end of their engagement just because Spock is temporarily not Vulcan?
Amanda: Vulcan engagements are complex. If the agreement’s broken, the union won’t be recognized under Vulcan law. T’Pring’s family would reject her if she chose to remain with Spock. It’s considered a great shame and no choice at all for a true Vulcan.

Star Trek: Discovery Quotes

I am neither one for following orders nor giving them. The solar winds are my mistress and I follow her wherever she beckons.


Burnham: Words aren't enough, are they? Nine hundred and thirty years.
Saru: I trust that what matters most will have endured.