Chuck: If you give me the Standard on weeknights I'll give you the Carlyle for the entire Christmas season.
Blair: Done. But I want an addendum that you can't bed hostesses from a roster of restaurants I frequent.

Blair: What is he doing here?
Chuck: What is she doing here?
Blair: And who brought the Avon Lady?
Nate: She's a court stenographer. And there's a notary on the way.

The intricacies of our war games are too complex for a prole like you to fathom.

We're holding on to the pain because it's all we have left. We don't have to. We have a choice.

Blair: Are you happy now that you've humiliated both of us?
Chuck: It's in your own bloody hands, Lady Macbeth.

Chuck: Before you say anything I'm only calling because I saw Gossip Girl. I wondered if I might be able to offer some assistance.
Dan: Well unless it's a murder-suicide I think I'll pass.
Chuck: So dramatic. You should be a writer.

Chuck: I heard Jenny was back. I wanted to speak with her.
Dan: And say what? "I'm sorry for taking advantage of you and letting my psycho ex-girlfriend run you out of town"?
Chuck: Something like that. Except without the sarcasm.

If you'll excuse me I'm going to go sit with them. From what I hear badminton players know how to handle a shuttlecock.

[to Blair] Whatever you want, wherever you want it, I'm going to be there to take it away from you. I won't stop until you have nothing.

[to Blair] Who knows my limits? I have nothing to lose, since you took away my future.

Blair: If I have to, I'll blackmail her for the position.
Chuck: An illegal maid scandal, nobody's cared about those in years.
Blair: Oh, and a lesbian switcheroo doesn't make you Blackwater.

Martha: Thank you. Good day Miss Waldorf. If you have any questions regarding the class, Mr. Bass will answer them.
Chuck: Actually it turns out Ms. Chamberlain's class is over-enrolled. You didn't make the cut. Sorry. Mmmm ... I almost forgot how much I used to enjoy your pie.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.