Phil [on the phone with Claire]: Hey honey, what's up?
Claire: Uh, the school just called. Luke got in a fight.
Phil: Oh, jeez, is he okay?
Claire: Yeah, he's fine, but they want us to come down there. Where are you?
Phil: I'm showing a house.
Claire: What house?
Phil: I'm golfing

When did you two become such old women?

Yesterday I accidentally said eleventy five.

I take my eye off the ball for one minute and I've got one kid in a coma, one with a black eye, and one running a crime ring.

Mitchell is turning Gloria into mom.

Claire: Quick, quick tell me something to say that will freak him out.
Haley: Tell him I'm pregnant!

Phil: You're such a great mother. Sometimes I wish you were my mother.
Claire: Oh gosh. I'm already queasy.

I know it's stupid, but it's nice to know that sometimes you'll fight for me and all I have to do is laugh at some other guy's story.

Don't get me wrong the Dunphys have some great days, we just have some trouble stringing them all together.

Claire: Haley I need the wifi corner get down.
Haley: Ugh! I need Instagram to know there's still beauty in the world!

Dede: That's very revealing
Claire: That's my parenting style
Dede: No, I meant your blouse

Claire: Hey how come you guys haven't accepted my friend requests?
Haley: I didn't know you were on Facebook.
Alex: Yeah you said it was only for teenagers or people who wanted to have affairs.