Claire: You don't make a shiv out of a knife.
Phil: yeah you make a shiv out of a rusty spoon or a shard of glass.
Claire: Or a human femur.
Phil: Exactly, be creative.

His turn offs are farms, Fizbo, and worst of all Farmbo.

Cam: Okay what did we learn from "A League of Their Own?"
Claire: No crying in baseball.
Cam: No, that Madonna's a lousy actress and so are you. So what's going on?

It was the day after Thanksgiving and I came in under budget for all my Christmas gifts and you know how that gets me going.

What middle-aged guy would be interested in a young, attractive, newly legal woman? Oh that's right, all of them!

Phil: Is there some kind of dress code for Godparents?
Claire: You're not wearing a fedora Phil.

Claire: Wow pretty cozy with the new housekeeper huh?
Gloria: She's my sister.
Claire: Wow pretty weird with your sister!

Claire: You have an in law who no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you can't win over.
Jay: What about it?
Claire: Oh that doesn't sound familiar?
Jay:You're not saying.
Claire: Mmhmm, yeah I am.
Jay: Son of a bitch, I'm Phil!

Haley: Dad tried to fix all our problems and instead ruined all our lives.
Alex: Nightmare.
Claire: You girls are so dramatic. Do I need to call you a wambulance?

I wanted to tell Haley the dangers of starting a family too early but what could I say that couldn't have been said better by a screaming baby?

All of that explaining is going out and the alcohol is not going in.

Yesterday I accidentally said eleventy five.