[to Serena, about Blair/Marcus] So, she actually refers to him as The Lord?

Dan: I was just thinking about... this morning... on the bus ...
Serena: Yeah, we didn't exactly stick to the plan, did we?

Serena: I just think that we should ... think, before we get back together.
Dan: I thought this meant we were back together.

Serena: I'm just a little ...
Dan: Overwhelmed?
Serena: Confused.

[to Serena] I haven't been able to get you out of my head all summer. I was hoping when I saw you, I would know that we did the right thing. But I don't feel that way. I don't feel that way at all.

Serena: Dan... Dan wait.
Dan: No thank you.
Serena: Dan, I didn't expect to see you. You surprised me.
Dan: Well, I have to say... you didn't.

I miss that little laugh of yours.

Dan: I've tried not to think about her all summer. I was afraid that if I did, that ... I'd see that I made a huge mistake.
Rufus: Well, you've been running all summer. Maybe it's time you turned around and faced it.

Georgina: I never meant to get in between you two. I swear.
Dan: Please, it's okay.
Georgina: No, it's not. Because now she's upset.
Serena: Yeah I am. You manipulative, psycho bitch! You have been planning this this whole time!

Serena: I know it's my fault. I was just so scared.
Dan: I get it. "Hey I killed someone and I'm being blackmailed by a crazy girl pretending to be someone else" doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

Serena: So that's it then? "Have a good summer, I'll see you back at school?"
Dan: I guess.

I didn't sleep with her. But I may as well have.

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.