Danny: I know that guy. That's the guy they sent me to for anger management.
Baez: I guess he's not too good at his job.

The family legacy is not combat. It's service.

There's a lot of bad people out there.

Tallulah: You catch on pretty fast.
Danny: That's why they gave me a gun and a shield.

Never take a bottle to a gun fight.

Danny: Please tell me you're not making your infamous veggie lasagna again.
Erin: Don't worry, after all that whining I went full carnivore. This ham should take three years off your life,

You do know the '50s was like sixty years ago?

Believe it or not there are actually a few nice people in this city.

Baez: You're annoying. You know that?
Danny: I've been told.

I might have told the guy to get your hands against the wall or I'll throw you out the window.

Baez: He give you anything?
Danny: Yeah, a stubborn attitude.
Baez: A Reagan. I'm shocked

Erin: Do you think I'm too old to sell my body?
Danny: No, not to science anyway.