Dean: Cass, you're alive?
Castiel: I'm better than that.
Dean: Cass, are you God?
Castiel: That's a nice compliment. But no.

Castiel: It's starting.
Dean: Yeah, you think, genius?
Castiel: You don't have to be mean.
Dean: So, what do we do now?
Castiel: I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol... just wait for the inevitable blast wave.
Dean: Yes, well, thank you, Blutarsky.

Lucifer: Sorry if it's a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot. It's actually quite the opposite.
Dean: Well, I'll alert the media.

So this is Dr. Evil's lair, huh?

Dean: Well, I got to ask. How old are you?
Death: As old as God. Maybe older. Neither of us can remember anymore. Life, death, chicken, egg. Regardless - at the end, I'll reap him, too.
Dean: God? You'll reap God?
Death: Oh, yes. God will die, too, Dean.

Dean: So please tell us you have actual good news.
Bobby: Chicago's about to be wiped off the map. storm of the millennium. Sets off a daisy chain of natural disasters. Three million people are gonna die.
Dean: Huh.
Castiel: I don't understand your definition of good news.

That's the beauty about improv, Sammy. You never know what's gonna come out of your mouth.

Castiel: You said "no" to Michael. I owe you an apology.
Dean: Cass. I-It's okay.
Castiel: You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man that I believed you to be.
Dean: Thank you. I appreciate that.
Castiel: You're welcome.

Hey, hot stuff, watch the upholstery.

Dean: [wearing a surgical mask] Hey, I looked like the King of Pop.
Sam: [Rolls eyes]
Dean: Too soon? Too soon.

And you keep an eye on Norman Bates here.

We can either take on the Devil together, or you lame-ass bitches can eat me. Literally.

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
