House: (about Wilson) He is the one who needs to be saved...
Lucas: From you or the ho?
House: The ho is just using him for his money. Wait, it was a bad example.

House: You're in a downward spiral of destruction.
Thirteen: I can stop.
House: You're gonna keep spiraling, screwing around, keep slashing away at every person who tries to help until no one tries to help anymore. Until you hit bottom. Until you're dead. But, until then, I can use you.

I'm not deflecting because I'm avoiding something deep. I'm deflecting because I'm avoiding something shallow.

Taub: House, call your mom.
House: What are you, my mom?

Kutner... you're sort of Asian. Go get this Chinese translated.

House: Oh God, he's here.
Dr. Wilson: Who's here? The one you're pretending is your father? Good pick, he looks like Sean Connery. So back, when you were devising this fantasy, did you tell your father. "Dad, I refuse to recognize your existence because I have chosen James Bond as my dad."
House: I used different words.

Taub: You've discovered that one of us has been hiding the ability to stretch or shrink themselves?
House: No. I would never out someone's superpowers.

Lucas: Hey, I like the shoes, by the way.
Dr. Cuddy: Thank... you.
House: You don't like her shoes. You like her legs.
Lucas: It sound less creepy if you say shoes.
House: Less creepy, more gay.
Lucas: That's my firm's motto.

People should not be testing drugs because they are desperate. But, people won't test drugs unless they are desperate. We need drugs to save children and puppies ergo we need desperate people ergo welfare kills sick children.

Dr. Foreman: I'm sorry. We need to remove your eye.
Apple: My eye?
House: A moment ago you thought you were dying. Blind's actually good news.

People get what they get. It has nothing to do with what they deserve.

Either she cracked under the whip or she started to realize that her evolutionary purpose is to arouse men, not to castrate them

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy