I'm gonna read War and Peace. Why not? It's one of my New Year's Resolutions.

He's the one person that I love the most, and I don't know who he is. I don't understand.

Dixon: What exactly is a seitan burger?
Silver: It's like a burger, except instead of the burger part, it has seitan.
Dixon: I dunno, it sound to me like you're having a satan burger.
Silver: Well, it's the best thing you can get for six dollars and sixty six cents.

Teddy: Dixon told me the truth. About the dance, Savananah and everything.
Silver: I thought Savannah was a girl. Well obviously she's a girl, but I thought that she was a girl girl, not a sister girl.
Teddy: Well she's a sister girl.

You managed to turn Dixon against me. You managed to ruin my relationship, the one thing I care the most about in this entire world!

Silver: I got a haircut.
Teddy: Like a hair cut? A single hair?

Teddy: Are those new shoes? I like them.
Silver: So did I. When I bought them... in seventh grade. Nice try.

No! Just stop talking! Stop. It was a nice try, Matthews. You think I'm dumb? Well, I'm not dumb! It took me a while, but I figured out what you were up to. You said to me that you liked movies better than blogs. You think you could possibly be referring to the one that I posted about you? Huh, I wonder? You never got over it, did you? You pretended to! You pretended to forgive me! You even invited me back into your classroom! All so that you could encourage me to make this movie! This was all a setup!

Silver: Sounds to me like you're throwing away your future.
Teddy: Sounds to me like you're really judgmental.

The fight was all my fault. Which also happens to be a served, place in the wrong side of the court.

You just dumped me out of the blue. What kind of love acts like that?!?

Let's just be grateful I'm using tennis terminology. When we first started dating, I told him to serve a no-hitter.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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