George: Dr. Hunt.
Owen: What?
George: I just lost another one. All my patients are dieing, I need you to pull me.
Owen: That's for me to decide. There's an ambulance coming, go see what you can do.
George: I'm in over my head.
Owen: Walk away O'Malley.
Lexie: That's Michelle, she dyed her hair for graduation.

George: Hey.
Meredith: You look weird.
George: I don't look weird.
Meredith: What's wrong?
George: I look fine.
Meredith: I know you.

George: Callie... you haven't said anything and... just say something... please, anything.
Callie: I forgive you.
George: What?
Callie: You made a mistake, but we took vows, 'til death do we part so...I forgive you.

GEORGE: "130cc! 130cc of shiny yellow urine!"
CALLIE: "130cc in how long?"
GEORGE: "Four hours."
CALLIE: "No way! That is fantastic!"
GEORGE: [dancing, kissing her] "Thank you."

George: Mrs. Burke
Mrs. Burke: I don't know you do I?
George: I'm George O'Malley, Burke's friend, Burke's guy.
Mrs. Burke: Hello, George O'Malley, Burke's friend, Burke's guy.

Izzie: Maybe Cristina's right. Maybe trying to teach the interns is pointless.
George: Please, don't listen to Cristina. She thinks just because you'd rather teach then take out a gall bladder that you're the new me.
Izzie: Haha, O'Malley the sequel.
George: O'Malley 2.0.

Izzie: You read more journals and do more research, and log more hours in the skills lab than any other resident here. You never give up on trying to be a better doctor, and you don't step on other people to do it. I would be lucky to be the new you.
George: Are you gonna tell me about patient X?

IZZIE: "Here, my share of the grocery money. When are you going?"
GEORGE: "Tonight."
IZZIE: "Okay. Seriously, George. Please don't-"
GEORGE: "Yeah, could we not talk about it here?"
IZZIE: "What? Tampons?"
GEORGE: "Did you not hear a word I said?"
IZZIE: "You're a man, we know."
ALEX: "Talk about shrinking the salamander!"

Izzie (to the interns): You want to take narrow slices with the scan so you get a more comprehensive look. What do you see?
George: I see a crazy person taking expensive tests for no reason and, oh, I see the Chief finding out and expelling the crazy person. And then I see joblessness, homelessness and depression. It does not look good, Izzie.

George: This is year one of your residency. You turn on each other now, you're not gonna make it.
Meredith: Okay, here's what's gonna happen. All of you are going to go and find the sense that the good lord gave you, and never behave like this within the four walls of this hospital ever again. You are doctors. Pierce, get an ice pack, and put it on that oozing, disgusting, mess of an eye. And Steve, go to the pit, and get that unsanitary, bloody hand x-rayed and stitched. And Megan, you should go to OB, because yes, you are pregnant.
George: That was very Bailey.

George: How's Izzie?
Alex: Good.
George: Is her BP stable? If she's hypotensive she really shouldn't go to the wedding.
Alex: You let me worry about Izzie.
George: Alright. Do you have anything for us?
Alex: Anything good?
Callie: Nope. It's slow.
Alex: You don't say it's a slow day in the pit.
George: You never say it's slow! You just jinxed us.
Callie: It's a day, and it's slow.
Alex: Well, when that phone starts ringing with trauma's, you're gonna wish you hadn't said that.
Callie: (laughing) The phones not gonna ring, it's a slow day. (The phone rings) Go for seattle grace emergency.
George: I'll get the trauma gowns.
Callie: CRAP! CRAP CRAP! Incoming!

Lexie: It's done!
Alex: Whatever, Helen Keller.
Lexie: No really. The Chief sent me. They made their choice.
George: Who is it?
Lexie: [points] It's you.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
