Miranda: O'Malley, Grey, I need you on pre ops and post ops.
Meredith: But, there's the biggest surgery in the world happening here today.
Miranda: Yes, and half our attendings are involved. Which is why we need strong residents on pre ops and post ops. Yang, you're with me today. Your moving to the big leagues.
Meredith: What?
George: She gets a solo?
Cristina: Today?
Miranda: Nice old lady with a hernia. You're gonna fix it.
Meredith: Congratulations. I know I should seem more enthusiastic, but I'm not that big a person.
Cristina: Don't worry about it.
George: Is it wrong to have hatred in your heart?

George: Hey buddy, you need to start talking, and you need to start talking now.
Intern: I really can't, talk to Steve.
George: Right guy, you need to start talking dude. Because, any second they're gonna start that face transplant surgery and then her good friend...
Meredith: My best friend.
George: Is gonna have her very first solo surgery, and so we have very little patience right now.
Intern: Look, it's not my place.
Meredith: Ok, you are gonna tell me everything thats going on. Or else, every time I have a rectal exam or an infected abscess is gonna have your name on it. Every time!
Intern: Megan was with Pierce, but they broke up for a little bit, and while they were broken up, she slept with Steve. Then she got back together with Pierce, but Steve sent her an email about how they slept together and instead of just emailing her, he hit reply all. It went to a whole bunch of people, one of them was Pierce. And, now Steve says he loves her, Pierce wants to kill him, Megan's like really freaking out right... because... oh... ok wait, so... A while back, someone sent this text message right, and like I didn't get it. I didn't get to see it. It just came, to certain peoples phone, you know...

George: Interns don't respect me.
Lexie: I would respect you if I was your intern!
Cristina: George, the interns don't respect you because they're not scared of you. Just decimate one every few days, it's not rocket science.

Lexie: It's done!
Alex: Whatever, Helen Keller.
Lexie: No really. The Chief sent me. They made their choice.
George: Who is it?
Lexie: [points] It's you.

Men don't buy tampons!

Lexie: Hey... You passed. We are going to celebrate. I'm going to buy you a beer, and all the peanuts you can eat.
George: What if I didn't pass?
Lexie: Then ... I'll buy you a beer anyway. Beer for losers.

Alex: Chicken.
George: Good chicken.
Meredith, Cristina: It's chicken.
Izzie: I know it's chicken! I wanna know what it tastes like.
Alex: Tastes like chicken.
Izzie: I'm having surgery today.
Bailey: Maybe, if the meds are strong.
Izzie: I am maybe having surgery today, and as such I cannot taste the chicken for myself. So I really need you guys to tell me what it tastes like. I need to nail down this dinner, so I can announce it on Meredith and Derek's wedding website.
Meredith: There's a website?
Izzie: So, can you please be a little more articulate than just chicken?

Miranda: What in gods name is going on?
Meredith: It's a personal issue, and we are just trying to give them their privacy.
Miranda: Do you think for a second I wanted to get involved with your little intern dramas?
George: We were not this bad.
Miranda: Oh, getting married in Vegas. Shacking up with attendings, cutting LVAD wires. You don't have to like it, but you have to manage it.
Meredith: Oh, we've got it under control.
Intern: (runs down stairs crying) Wait, I love you Megan!

[the cast, narrating]
MEREDITH: "Human beings need a lot of things to feel alive."
GEORGE: "Family"
IZZIE: "Sex"
DEREK: "But we only need one thing"
RICHARD: "To actually be alive."
CRISTINA: "We need a beating heart."
ADDISON: "When our heart is threatened"
ALEX: "We respond in one of two ways."
GEORGE: "We either run or-"
IZZIE: "We attack."
RICHARD: "There's a scientific term for this."
ALEX: "Fight..."
ADDISON: "...or flight."
MIRANDA: "It's instinct."
MEREDITH: "We can't control it."
IZZIE: "Or can we?"

IZZIE: "I just... I just need some sex, George. You know, I just, I need sex NOW. You know what I mean?"
GEORGE: "No matter how hard you beg, I am not doing you."

CRISTINA: "Oh, what are we doing?"
IZZIE: "We are saving George from a future of festering sores and insanity."
CRISTINA: "Cute butt."
MEREDITH: "Told you."
IZZIE: "It is cute. Like a baby's."
GEORGE: "You know I've spent hours, days, years, imagining myself half naked in a room with three women? The reality is so much better."

MEREDITH: "Thank you... for calling me about Izzie."
GEORGE: "I didn't do you any favors."
MEREDITH: "But it meant something. That you called. It meant something to me."
GEORGE: "It didn't mean anything."
MEREDITH: "Right, okay. Sorry-"
GEORGE: "Stop saying you're sorry! [long pause] You wanna know something? I knew. I knew you didn't feel that way about me, even during... when we were in bed I knew. I knew and I still let it happen, because, um... well, I figured one night with you was better than never. So, will you just stop saying that you're sorry? 'Cause you didn't know any better, but I did. And I still let it happen. I'm sorry. [long pause] I'm sorry, Meredith."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
