Gob: You're a good brother, Michael.
Lindsay: You're a horrible brother, Michael.

Rallo: Tell me, where did you get two alliance approved assistants on such short notice?
Gob: Oh, no, that was just my girlfriend and my nephew!
Rallo: You're back out.

Gob: Real needle, real apple. Real neck.
Amable: He's a zombie!
Marta: They're children! How could you do that?
Gob: Oh, sure, first you dump all over it, now you want to know how it's done.

Michael: I don't know whether this guy's a mobster, a loan shark, something equally scary.
Gob: Magician.
Michael: I think you're confusing "scary" with "silly." This guy was frightening. He was in a limo.

Michael: Then, why does he want to break your legs?
Gob: He doesn't want to break my legs. He wants to take my legs.

Michael: So, Rollo wants your legs, but you're cheating on Marta with those legs. Is that about right?
Gob: Would you give me a break, please? The legs are insanely jealous.

Michael: You're not staying on the yacht, are you?
Gob: What do you want me to do, Michael, live full-time with Marta?
Michael: Or break up with her. I'm sure there'd be somebody else out there that would appreciate her.

Michael: I can't believe she got that driver's license renewed.
Gob: She didn't. I dummied her up a new one. Not my best work, though. She wanted to look 48. I nearly airbrushed her into oblivion. Ended up checking "albino" in the form.

George Michael: I, uh ... need you to make some fake IDs for me and Maeby.
Gob: Like a passport?
George Michael: Yeah, yeah, that would be great. Oh, and, uh, preferably French. I like the way they think.

Well, they got the Asian right. "Hotties" might be a stretch. Well, let's start with the little one.

Lindsay: It would just give Dad one more reason to think that I've got nothing to offer but my looks.
Gob: Yeah, I got some of that. Except he also didn't like my looks.

Gob: There's no way that you were trying to hurt me. You don't hate me. Mom hates me. You kind of like me.
Michael: Yeah, I kind of like you.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.