Jenn: What are you two whispering about?
Ian: You
Addison: [at the same time] Magic.
Jenn: [beat] Deception noted.

Ian: Dorothy? Can you hear us? We can’t hear you.
Jenn: Sounds like a bad Zoom.
Ian: Okay, all right. This dismissive attitude is exactly what started the witch trials in the first place. What was it that Ben said? That magic is just science that we don’t understand yet. I mean, have we learned nothing since 1692? Everyone just needs to stop judging people for doing things that they don’t understand.

The LA riots were one of the most complicated events in recent history. I mean there were so many different points of view. So much information and misinformation between the police and the media and the people on the ground. The reality of the situation shifted from moment to moment so there was really no objective truth. Just a whole lot of fear and rage and violence.

Ian: Everything that’s happened to Ben, to Magic, it all happened because my future self dropped this nuclear bomb that’s left this team in an emotional wasteland. We’re slowly being poisoned by the radioactive fallout.
Addison: Okay, that’s quite a metaphor.
Ian: I know. It’s not one of my best but it doesn’t mean that it’s not true. Or that I’m not consumed by guilt because of it.

Jenn: So our choices are we let the chip keep hemorrhaging code or we pull the chip and lose Ben forever?
Ian: Yeah, I am kind of hoping that we can come up with a better third option.

Ian: It might still be a military base studying a UFO and I am not saying that in a giddy science nerd way.
Jenn: You’re saying it in a they’ll-go-to-any-lengths-to-keep-Ben-quiet way.

Jenn: Here we go. Ian’s theories about E.T.
Ian: You do realize that it’s a statistical inevitability that other forms of life exist in this universe.
Magic: I’m a believer.
Jenn: But you’re so reasonable.
Magic: Being leapt into changes one’s perspective on life’s possibilities.

When the government lost all hope of getting Ben back and they shut us down a year ago, I snuck back in here and I turned on one single computer station and I just left it running. Like a SETI program that’s searching for aliens, except I was scanning for a mild-mannered physicist.

Jenn: Magic and Addison. You need to tell them what you did here. How you actually found Ben.
Ian: I told them that I left Ziggy running in the background. That is true.
Jenn: It’s true but it’s not the truth.
Ian: They don’t need to know the truth!
Jenn: You sure about that? This is a hard place to keep secrets, Ian.

Quantum Leap Quotes

Look, I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I’m just merely offering a counterpoint from someone who has impeccable taste in music.


Addison: Have you been hiding?
Ben: Hiding? No, I was just in a different section of the apartment.
Addison: You mean the bathroom where you were hiding from the party you didn’t want to have?
Ben: I love parties. Having everyone in here, touching all our stuff. I would’ve proposed way sooner if I knew we got to do this.